Chapter 8

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"What time do you call this?" Rita remarked looking at her watch on her wrist.

Effie dropped her bags on the floor, pushing them under her desk and draped her coat over her chair, "why, what have I missed?"

Rita got up from her seat and walked round to Effie's desk, placing her hands firmly on the sides, "Effie, you look like shit. What's happened?"

Effie looked at her confused and then found herself completely crumbling. "Cade and I had a massive argument last night. We left the restaurant and Cade then started accusing me of flirting with both the Wesley boys and said he was finding it difficult to be with the new me or something. I don't feel any different, he is just being such a jerk. He wanted to go for drinks after our meal and I said I just wanted to go back to go to bed and he accused me of being boring, but he doesn't get it – his shift doesn't start until mid-morning, whereas I have to be here so early..." She tailed off, grabbing the tissues Rita offered her and wiped away her tears that had fallen down her face.

"Look, it sounds rough but you guys I'm sure will get through it. Maybe he is just a little jealous of the opportunities you have opened up for yourself. You should be proud of what you have achieved so far in such little time. Anyone would kill for this job and most people have to fight to get in even as just an intern", she pointed to the poor young girl that looked fresh out of University struggling to sort out a load of paper to be put into the correct files, "let alone be paid to be here!"

Effie nodded, sniffling, "you're right. It's just all such a mess, so then of course I overslept because I couldn't really sleep."

Rita touched Effie's hand sensitively and smiled, "you'll be alright. Put your brave face on, you don't want anyone else asking you what's wrong, it might start you off again."

Effie nodded and pulled herself together as she opened up her emails to start her day, her normal morning routine that had been the same since she had started.

An hour later she started to become curious as to where Ace was; he hadn't called to say he was going to be late and she hadn't seen him walking around the office at all. "Rita, do you know where Ace is? I have some documents I need him to sign."

Rita shook her head, busy with her work, "maybe try Steve's office. I think they were having discussions about a new deal being finalised or something when I first came in."

"Thanks!" Effie called as she turned her monitor off.

She got up and walked towards Steve's office as the door flew open. "Ace, come back here. I am not finished!" Steve shouted after him.

Effie moved out the way as Ace threw his hands in the air, turning around to face the door he had just come out of, "what's the fucking point? You don't listen me and you always take Alistair's side. It's a fucking joke!" he yelled back.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that Ace Wesley. Don't think you are not disposable. There are many people who would love the opportunity to have what you have", Steve called down the corridor.

Everyone in ear shot was trying their best to carry on with their work but like any argument it was hard not to listen in. Ace was oblivious, too angry to care. "Fine! Give it to some other fucking idiot who doesn't give a shit how you talk to them."

There was silence. Effie watched as Alistair walked to Steve's office door and pushed it shut. She jumped as she heard Ace's office door slam shut down the corridor. Rita peered her head round and looked directly at Effie, "I found him if you missed that..." she said, trying to be funny.

Effie shook her head, smirking, "you are going to seriously get yourself into trouble one day Rita." She walked past Rita and up to Ace's office door. He had shut the blinds which usually meant he did not want to be disturbed but after witnessing such a heated argument she didn't feel right leaving him on his own. She took a deep breath and walked in without knocking and shut the door quickly behind her.

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