Chapter 30

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"Effie, I need you to drink this..." Tasha said, handing Effie a warm purple liquid.

Effie looked around her, not recognising where she was. She spotted some pictures of Nyx around and realised she must be in Tasha's home. She pulled herself to sit up properly on the soft sofa and pulled the blanket tightly round her as she accepted the drink from her. "Thank you", she said quietly, still in shock from everything that had happened. She looked at the liquid in the cup, turning her nose up at the smell. "What is it?"

Tasha smiled, "it will hopefully unbind you with Olette. Nyx taught me so much you know, he is the most amazing person I have ever met." Her eyes became teary, "sorry... he was."

Effie held out her hand and rubbed Tasha's soft olive skin. "Thank you for saving me. I loved my brother, even in the short time I knew him, I could tell what an amazing man he was."

Tasha nodded, wiping at her eyes. Effie glugged down the purple liquid, sticking her tongue out with disgust as she finished the last drop. "God, that was gross."

Tasha pulled a face as she took the cup, "yeah, sorry. It smelt awful and I'm not gonna even try to explain what was put in it."

Effie laughed nervously, not bearing the thought as Ace appeared. Effie glanced up to look at him, knowing the last time they spoke a word to each other she was awful towards him. Tasha followed her eyeline and saw Ace standing frozen to the spot behind her. "I'll leave you two to it. I'll go back to the house. The annex phone is on the side if you need me..."

Effie nodded her thanks as Tasha made her way out. She got up from the sofa, dropping the blanket on the floor. "How you feeling?" Ace asked, not wanting to move.

Effie put her hands out to the side, "fine actually. Everything healed... again... miraculously."

Ace nodded, "good, I'm pleased." He shifted nervously and ran his hand down the nape of his neck, "I'll go see if Tasha needs help with anything. She was looking through her things from Nyx for anything to help make Olette, Nidaw and Sen weaker..."

Effie held her wrist with her opposite hand in front of her nervously. "Look...", she interrupted.

Ace looked at her softly, wanting to tell her how sorry he was for the way he had acted with her before. The thought of her being in danger made him sick to his stomach, he couldn't bear the thought of losing her. "Yes?"

Effie looked away, "no, nothing, it's okay. We can talk later."

She looked to the ground, a million things running through her head then looked back up, her mouth slightly open like she wanted to say something. Ace pushed his lips together and forced a small smile as he turned to go. He got to the door and stopped, his mind racing at the speed of his heart. He felt a surge of adrenaline and turned, walking towards Effie with purpose. She was looking to the side and didn't notice him until he was right in front of her, grabbing her face either side of her cheeks and pulled her lips to his. He let go of her gently, their noses almost touching as she looked up at him, not knowing how to react but she could feel it in the depths of her soul that this was where she was meant to be. "That's just in case there is no later", he whispered to her, holding her face lovingly in his hands. He looked into her eyes and felt like he could feel her love burning for him. He let go and left her standing alone as he made his way back to the house, determined to find anything to make sure that Effie was safe, for good. 

Tasha jumped as Ace slid open the bifold doors. "Oh good. It's only you!" she exclaimed, catching her breath.

Ace looked around, "as opposed to who?"

Tasha flapped, "no, I don't know. Anyway, this is everything I found. Think you can find anything useful? You must be so used to looking at documents like this every day."

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