Fitz | 14

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As Fitz prepared his books to take to Havenfield, a wave of understanding washed over him, causing him too look up. He didn't know what he was understanding but the world felt crisper. Like a fog had been lifted. He would later find out where the wave came from, but he dismissed it. Biana was knocking on his door by the time Fitz snapped out of his trance.

"What, Biana?" He asked, and she pushed further into his room, plopping on the bed. "We need to go to Sophie's now." Fitz nodded and grabbed his satchel, he raced to the leapmaster and waited impatiently for Biana to arrive. "Took you long enough." He remarked and Biana snorted, "Okay, wonderboy."  

The siblings property glistened out of view as they were transported to Havenfield. 


The Ruewen's expansive property was home to the famous Panakes tree, and the main rehabilitation centres for the Sanctuary. The grass was always green, and it almost never rained. Fitz and Biana walked over the the house, which was a four story mansion, with beautiful purple crystal walls, and lush furniture. "Hello, Fitz. Nice to see you. And Biana! Everyone is already in Sophie's room." Grady answered and went back to the kitchen table to slave over paperwork. 

Fitz and Biana walked up the staircase to Sophie's room. Grady was right, everyone was there. Lihn was messing up Tam's hair, Marella was applying lip gloss to herself in Sophie's bathroom, and Sophie was being thrown over Keefe's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "What is happening in here?" Biana asked and started laughing. Keefe spun so Sophie's head was facing them, as well as Keefe's back. 

"Torture. We were studying but then he came." Sophie pointed to Keefe and he spun around again to face Biana and Fitz. "Why am I not surprised?" Fitz asked and walked over to help Sophie and when Sophie wiggled off his shoulder, Fitz grabbed her arm before she could fall. "Thank you. Now I think we should actually study." Everyone reluctantly agreed and Sophie sat down at her desk.

"What do you all need to study?" Lihn asked, taking a ripplepuff. 

"Multispecial studies." Tam said.

"Vanishing." Biana said.

"Elvin history." Keefe and Fitz.

"Alchemy. Obviously." Sophie flushed. 

"Everything." Dex said and everyone laughed. It was quite for a few minutes, the sounds of scribbling filling Fitz's ears. "What's alkatrez?" Sophie said, spinning around in her chair. Dex looked up and smiled. "It's a pure light source, and you can't actually look at it. You have to look through a dimming glass. And you bottle it in silver." Sophie's mouth made a perfect O and went back to writing in her notes.

"SOPHIE CAN YOU COME HELP WITH THE GORGODON, PLEASE?" Edaline yelled from downstairs, Sophie groaned and excused herself. "Want some help, Foster?" Keefe asked and she nodded grimly. "Let's go." They both walked out of the room and Fitz asked, "We should do something. Want to play a game?" Lihn stretched, Biana yawned and Tam rolled his eyes. "Sure. I need a break." 

They went around in circles playing 'Never have I ever' and everytime someone had done something, they had a dare. Eventually Tam suggested they just talk and everyone seemed to agreed. "I wonder what's taking them so long?" Lihn said and tilte her head sweetly.

Her voice was methodical and she was so, so pretty. "I think I'm going to start coming to school early... I was almost late today." Fitz said, thinking aloud. "I was almost late this morning." Tam rolled his eyes, "Like that's important." Biana giggled and Lihn faked a punch to his shoulder. "I could come with you if you want company?" Fitz perked up. 

He hadn't been spending much time with Lihn. Not much time with anyone, if he was truthful to himself. "I HATE that daft mutant creature. It irks me to no end." Sophie stormed into the room, with Keefe in pursuit smiling, and Fitz finally understood 'grinning ear to ear' expression. "Aren't you a mutant creature?" Marella pointed out and Sophie flushed. 

"Marella! It's not her fault, we talked about this!" Biana said and shook her head. "I am, but at least I didn't try to eat a poor girl called Sophie!" She yelled and everyone gaped. Keefe put his hand to his neck, as if to signal 'don't ask!'

And the gang went on to study normally.


this is a really bad chapter and i'm really really sorrryyyyy, i promise the next one will be better! xx

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