Jeom Y/n

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Jeom Y/n 18 years old

Facts about Jeom Y/n:-Knows 12 languages

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Facts about Jeom Y/n:
-Knows 12 languages. She learned them when she was 10 years old.
-Secretly have a beautiful voice and are great at dancing.
-Secretly friends with idols Lalisa Manoban, Bam Bam and Jackson.
-Great at fashion, her own clothes.
-Have a lot of money without parents' support.

Jeom Y/n Secrets:
-Y/n have feelings for Irene.
-Y/n had been dating with Yuri before she liked Irene.
-Y/n got a secret little sister.
-Y/n almost died because of her parents' depression.
-Y/n almost failed her mission.

-admin 🦊

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