Prologue/Backstory - part 2

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Well.... the time has finally come. I'm officially a college student! At age 18, I am on the younger side of the student population. I'm not any sort of child genius or anything though; I mean, most people start college at 19 anyways. I was just slightly advanced at a younger age and skipped a grade in elementary.

My family and I moved away from our country roots in Nebraska to San Francisco a couple years ago, when GoGo got accepted into SFIT. And also so I could go to college and (hopefully) make it big in the city. My aspiration is to be a professional misician. So, why San Fran? Well, I'm minoring in medicine, and SFIT has not only one of the best technology programs, but also medical programs out there. Although music/the arts is my passion and major, I also want something to fall back on in case it doesn't work out for some reason; and medicine is my next-favorite thing to study.


A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders once I finished my entrance exam; which, luckily, wasn't an actual test. To get into SFIA, you have to really impress the head professor of your desired major. For me, and others with the Arts (more specifically, music) as their major, just had to do an original solo that we composed ourselves.
The neat thing was that the professor (and any other professors that happened to be there) approached us right after our performance to tell us if we were in or not. Lucky for me, the head music professor at SFIA was really blown away with my piece and said she wanted me there. Of course, I accepted and that was the beginning of my college career at SFIA.

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