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Because of all the pain I'm in, everyone has kind of been leaving me alone, so I can rest. Thanks to Mr. Kabuki Man, I'm stuck with crutches and a cast with a minor fracrure in my fibula, and some stitches in my side. 

I've never wanted to get hurt, obvously, but I've always wanted crutches. So I guess that's one good thing that came out of this..



Woo! It's been 2 weeks since I got my cast off. It feels good to be walking around again, and not using crutches.

I finish one of my 'chill sessions', aka playing my guitar for a few hours, and decide to head out. I'm wearing a loose tank and bandeau, leggings, and flip flops. My door squeaks open and I start to go downstairs, bike helmet in hand. GoGo then opens her door and meets me, popping a gum bubble.

"And where do you think you're go-" suddenly she's cut off by a automated text message that is sent to her from Baymax. I get one too. All it is is an address. 

Then, we both get a text sent in a group message to everyone in our group: Tadashi: Come to Lucky Cat ASAP. We'll all pile in Wasabi's car. I think it's Hiro in toruble.

With that, GoGo and I get on my bike and speed to the Lucky Cat.


There wasn't enough room for everyone in Wasabi's car, so I followed on my bike. We follow the signal pinging off Baymax, and arrive at a secluded area. When we get there, Hiro and an aromored Baymax are hiding behind some freight containers.

"Hiro?" we all ask.

"No, no, no. Get out of here, go!"

"Uhh, no." I say, "But what are you out here, alone in the spooky place?"

He laughs nervously, "Well, I-"

"Holy mother of Megazon!" Fred interrupts. We all look up to see Kabuki Man using the microbots to lift one the the freight containers. He hurls it at us. I start to run, while the others, for some reason, just stand there, basically accepting death. Fortunately, Baymax stops it before it can crush anyone. Everyone then begins to run back to Wasabi's car. GoGo grabs Hiro and throws him into the back seat. Now that we have one extra person, there are now two people unable to ride in the car. I Just grab the person nearest to me and continue running to my bike. It's not until I get to my bike that I notice it's Tadashi I grabbed. I toss him a helmet and jump onto my bike. Due to the situation we're in, I don't wait for him to get comfortable. Once he's on and I feel his arms around me, I speed off.

I separate us from Wasabi's car, hoping Kabuki Man will go after me and Tadashi rather than the others. ((It's better to lose two people than five, right?))  Unfortunately, he continues to chase after the others. I slow down and follow behind Kabuki Man. All of a sudden, there's a complete 360 change in the driving of Wasabi's car. I'm assuming GoGo probably took the wheel. Good thing though; I don't think they would've made it very far with Wasabi driving. 

Further into the chase, I look to my left and see a train coming, at a decent speed. I notice the car start to speed up. Oh no, don't do it. I think. The car continues to speed up. GoGo, no. I slow down, not wanting to risk my life. She skids over the tracks, just making it over before the train goes by. I continue to follow behind Kabuki Man. I go down the street further and under a bridge, and try to get in close proximities with the others, but it's too late. The microbots sweep them up and engulf them. Luckily, they burst through them and land on a bridge....which is busted. They don't get the car stopped in time, and go over the end. 

"Jenny!" I scream, almost in tears. I bring the motorcycle to a screeching stop, and jump off it. I throw my helmet off onto the ground. Before Tadashi can even say anything to try to stop me, I take my flip flops and tank off and take a deep breath before diving off the bridge into the water. 

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