Motorcycle - Pt. 2

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I dicided to put this chapter into two parts because the word count was getting really high for one chapter.....So yeahhh 

Also, this whole chapter is just a bunch conversation, so if you want to skip it, it won't hurt my feelings. :)  ((Seriously. It's literally just over 1900 words of conversing.))


Once we get to the Lucky Cat, I park and take my helmet off. I look in the window and see everyone looking at us. Honey Lemon is giggling and pointing at us, and I realize that Tadashi is still holding onto me for dear life, not realizing that we've stopped. 

I talk to him in that high-pitched toddler voice again, "You can let go now, hun. We're here." 

"Oh. Sorry." he says, releasing me.

"A little faster than you thought?"

"Um..yeah. It's just slightly faster than my moped."

We laugh and head into the café.

"Where have you guys been?" Hiro asks, "everyone's about ready to leave."

"Oh my gosh!" I say, concerned, "I'm so sorry! I hope you guys haven't been just sitting here waiting for us."

"Ehh, don't worry about it." Fred says.

Honey Lemon giggles. "Looked like you were holding onto her pretty tight, Tadashi." I blush and we look at each other. He's blushing too.

"Sooo..." GoGo begins, "what took you guys so long to get here?"

"We were just talking." Tadashi says

"Oh, I see 'just talking'." Hiro says, using air quotes.

"Actually, did basically all the talking." I say, "Tadashi just walked with me and listened while I talked about my boring childhood. And it wasn't even my whole childhood, it was just the musical part of it; but broing nonetheless."

"I didn't think it was boring. I found it quite interesting, actually." Tadashi says.

I blush a little. I look up at him and he's smiling at me.

"Well, I think now is a good time to go," GoGo says, "see ya at home sis."

"Ok, bye!"  Everyone heads out and Hiro goes to the back of the café and up some stairs.

"You're not leaving?" Tadashi asks.

"Um, no. I wasn't planning on it. We just got here, and it's my first time here....Unless you'd like me to leave."

"No, no. You can stay for a while."

"Good. Cause I wasn't gonna leave anyways."

He chuckles and lifts the glass window to the doughnuts and pastries and grabs a couple, setting them on the counter. I go to a table and sit as I wait for him. He then goes to the room behind the counter and grabs a couple glasses of water. He comes back to the table  "On the house." he says as he sets down the doughnuts and waters.

"Really? I have money to pay for it."

"No, it's ok."

"Won't the owner get upset that we just take stuff without paying?"

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