Movie Date

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The time has finally come. As I get out of the shower, I look at the clock- 5:00. I'm meeting Tadashi at 5:45 and the movie's at 6:30. I'm trying to stay calm and collected, but I'm super nervous.

What if he doesn't like me? That's crazy. If he didn't like me, he wouldn't have *attempted* to ask me out.

What if I smell? Not possible. I just showered and I'll brush my teeth before I head to the Lucky Cat.

What if I eat the popcorn too loudly? Is that even possible? I don't think so. But if it is, I would be the one to prove it.

What if—

"You ok?" GoGo cuts off my thoughts. Good thing though; I probably would have worried myself sick and ended up canceling on the poor guy.

"Um, y-yeah. Just a little nervous."

"Woman up. You'll be fine."

"Mhmm, thanks."

"I'm serious. Both you and Tadashi are such easy-going people, tonight should be a piece of cake."

"Ok. If you say so."

"I do. Would you like me to take you to the Lucky Cat?"

"Yeah. That would be great, thanks."


[Tadashi POV]

"No. No. Nope. No...." I stand at my closet in my nice slacks and look at all my shirts, but can't find one that I like. I want to look decent, and I want tonight to be perfect, since I was too nervous to even ask Erin out and tonight was her idea.

"Sometimes I swear you're worse than a girl." I turn around to see Hiro sitting cross legged on my bed watching me slide each shirt down the line.

I cover his face with my hand and push him backwards on my bed, "Shut up, knucklehead."

"Seriously though, do you want some help?"

"You? Help me choose what to wear on my first date?"

"Technically it's not your first date."

"Well no, but it's my first one with Erin, and I want to to be perfect."

"Mhmm, ok.....How about this one?" He pulls a bright blue shirt and holds it up.

"Do you want me to blind her?"

"Alright, I'll take that as a no."

I shake my head.

"Ok, this one?" He pulls a salmon colored one.

"No. The last time I wore that was the winter formal senior year...That's a night I'd rather not remember."

"Jeez, ok. How abouuut......ah! This one," The third one he pulls is a pastel purple button up. "I've never seen you in this one before."

"Oh yeah. I forgot I even owned this," I put it on and look at myself in the mirror, "not bad. Thanks, bro."

"No problem."

"You know, if robotics doesn't work out for you, you could totally work at a bridal store and—" "Uhhh, thanks."

I chuckle and am about to say something when I hear the front door open.


When we get there, I check my phone. It reads 5:46. Only one minute late, not bad if you know me.

I try the café door, but it's locked. I go around to their 'house door' and walk in. Before I close it, I turn and wave at GoGo. She gives me a two finger salute and mouths a good luck.

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