Feeling Better

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 I arrive at the café, but the door is locked. Cass must've closed up early. I see her at the counter and tap on the window. She motions for me to go around the corner. I do so, and she opens their front door. 

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

"Tadashi texted me, asking to come over. So, here I am."

"Oh ok. He's up in his room. Follow me."

I follow her up the stairs. After the first flight, there's a little kitchen and livingroom area. She stops and takes a plate out of the microwave, handing it to me, along with a glass of water.  "I've been taking food to him all the time these past weeks and he either just picks at it or doesn't eat it at all. I keep trying though. Can you take this to him? Just go up that last flight of stairs, his and Hiro's room is at the top."

"Ok. Thanks."  I take the food and walk up the stairs. I get to the top and Hiro is working on something on his computer.

"Hey, Hiro! How are you?"

"Fine. What are you doing here?"

"Your brother texted me. Where is he?"

"He's just in there," he says, pointing to a little area closed off by a divider, "just slide it open. He should see some light anyways."

"Ok. Thanks." Slowly, I open the room divider.  

"Hiro, go away.." Tadashi groans.

"Hey, it's me," I whisper. 

"Oh, hey. Sorry. I  thought you were Hiro, coming to bother me." he says, sitting up.

He looks awful. Of course, I don't tell him that, but it definitely shows that he's stayed in bed for more than a few days. His hair is all messed up, and even though he's been sleeping a lot, there are bags under his eyes. "No, it's fine. I, uh, don't know how you're feeling, but Cass gave me some food for you." I set the plate and glass of water on his side table and take a seat at the foot of his bed.

"Oh, thanks." He takes a few bites and sips some water, and leaves the rest.

"Tadashi, you really should try to eat all of it. It's not good how little you've been eating." I say, in a concerned voice.

"Yeah, I know. I just haven't really had an appetite since, you know.."  he fades out, not finishing his sentence.

I scoot to the head of his bed and rub his back, just like I did when he told me about his parents. "Hey, you know I'm here for you. If you want to get something off your chest, I'm here to listen."

"Thank you."

"Do you want to talk about it; about Callahan?"

"Yeah, I guess. You probably think I'm crazy, don't you? It's been three weeks since his funeral, and here I am, staying cooped up in my room, not wanting to face anyone. I been wanting to go back to campus, I really have, but every time I think about going back I stop myself because the labs and everything remind me too much of him. Before the showcase, the last time I really talked to him was a couple or so weeks prior when I took Hiro to see the labs and Baymax. It was actually the day we met too. And it wasn't really much of a conversation even. He was mostly talking to Hiro...." he trails off.

I continue to rub his back as I speak. "Tadashi, you're not crazy. You really cared about the man and had a connection with him. Hiro told me you were one of his favorite students, and I'm sure you were aware of it. You two were more like friends than a student and teacher. I understand that it's hard for you to come back, but you have to sometime. You can't stay in your room the rest of your life."

"I guess you're right. I just don't know if can."

"Well, let's ease into this. Give me your hands,"  He does so, and I pull him up. I then slowly back up, as he walks forwards. "just one foot in front of the other."

Forgetting about his desk, I hit my side on the corner.  

"Mmm, ow!" I say, holding my side.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I just hit a soft spot."

Then suddenly, I hear the sound of an inflating balloon. Baymax comes walking over to us.

"Hello, I am Baymax, you're personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said 'ow'. I will scan you now - scan complete - you have slight reddening on you hip, caused by rubbing or running into something. I suggest a cooling spray." he says, walking over to me.

I lift my shirt a little so he can spray the spot. "Thanks Baymax. You're a doll."

"I am not a doll. I am a robot."

I chuckle. "It's just an expression. Thanks though."

"You are welcome. Tadashi, your neurotransmitter levels are slowly increasing, indincating that you are starting to feel better. For this to continue, I recommend that you eat healthy meals and get proper exercise."

"Thank you, Baymax. We are satified with our care."   Baymax then waddles back to his charging station and deflates.

"That is incredible. Color me impressed."

"What?" Tadashi asks.

"Baymax. He's amazing. You know, you created Baymax in that lab. And the only way you can make more amazing things is if you get back in  there."

He nods, contemplating what I said. "I guess you're right. I do need to get back in there. Not just for my own good, but for Callahan. He wouldn't want me to stay here and mope around. Thank you so much for your support." He gives me a hug, then starts running down the stairs.  


He turns around, "Yeah?"

"It's like 7:30. I doubt anyone's there. Aaand I don't think you're exactly dressed appropriately to go there."

He looks down at himself, observing his attire. He's wearing what I'm assuming are his pajamas; a white shirt and green-plaid sweatpants.   "Oh, I guess you're right." he chuckles, and comes walking back up the stairs.

I smile, and start walking back to his bed to sit on it when I see something in the corner of his room.

"I didn't know you surfed." I say, pointing to the surfboard.

"I don't actually. Well, I used to. It was my dad's," he says, taking it out of the corner and setting it on his bed. "He had little free time, but when he did have some, he would take me and Hiro to Baker Beach to swim and surf. He taught me once and I was pretty good, but it's been a while."

"We should go sometime. We could get to whole group together and just take a day to have some fun."

I look at him and he gives me that adorable crooked smile, "That would be great. And thanks again for coming over. I feel much better." I can feel myself beginning to blush. 

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