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I wake up and look at the clock, 11:30. Man, I slept good. I decide to get out of bed and start a load of laundry (to wash mine and GoGo's [still damp] clothes and Tadashi's jacket), then get in the shower.

Once I'm out, I dry off and get ready for the day. I step out of my room and head downstairs with my guitar. I go to the wash room first and take the clothes out of the dryer and set them on top of it. I grab Tadashi's jacket and head through the kitchen to the front door.

"Good morning, sleepy head." GoGo greets me.


"Going somewhere?"

"To the park....why?"

"Just wondering. Why are you taking your guitar?"

"Decided to have one of my chill sessions outside today. Wanna come with?"

"Nah, that's ok. I'm heading to the lab to work some more on my bike. Still struggling with those wheels."

"Ok, suit yourself. See ya later."

"What about lunch?"

"I'll just stop somewhere on the way."

"Ok. Have fun, then."

"Will do." With that, I leave and make my way to the park. I find a nice tree with a lot of shade and sit and start playing.


A couple hours go by and I'm still playing, singing along.

... 'Well I heard there was a secret chord

That David played and it pleased the Lord

But you don't really care for music do you

Well it goes like this: The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift

The baffled king composing Hallelujah... <- (go to 3:18 in video)

I'm interrupted by my phone buzzing. It's a (group) text from Hiro: Is everyone free to come over now? I'm ready to upgrade everyone and beat the masked man at his own game.

I sling my guitar across my back and look down at my phone to reply, but before I even start typing, I hear someone clapping. I look up to see Tadashi walking towards me. "That was really good."

I can feel myself blushing. I cover my face with my hands, embarrassed. "Oh....you...heard me singing?"

He looks at me and nods, giving me a soothing smile, making me melt on the inside.

"Yeah, and you sounded beautiful."

"Um, thanks. How long have you - um - been listening?"

"Uhh.." he lets out an awkward laugh, "almost the whole time. I was just passing by, on the way to the café, when I heard someone singing. I followed the voice and saw it was you. I realized you didn't notice me, so I sat on that bench and just listened." he says, pointing to a wooden bench behind us.

"Oh. Well, you could have stopped me and said hi."

"I didn't want to."

When he said that, I melted all over again. He is so sweet. I didn't know how to reply, so I just gave him a thanking smile. I start to walk in the direction of the Lucky Cat, Tadashi following.

After a couple minutes of silence, I break it. "Oh, by the way, here," I hand him his jacket. "I washed it. Thanks again for letting me wear it."

"Um, yeah. No problem. Headed to the Lucky Cat?"

"Mmhmm. I haven't had lunch yet and Hiro just texted me about-"

He cuts me off, "Doing those upgrades? I don't know about it. It really concerns me that he's doing this. What if he gets hurt, what if any of us get hurt? You've already been to the hospital once because of this guy, and you don't need that again."

I nudge him with my shoulder, "Come on, loosen up a little. We're gonna be fine. I think it'll be fun."


When we get to the café, I head into the café part to get some lunch and Tadashi goes around the corner to the garage.

Once I finish eating, I head to the garage where everyone is waiting for me.

"The neurotransmitter must be in his mask. We get the mask, he can't control the bots. Game over. Alright everyone, arms up." Hiro scans the seven of us and begins the process of making our superhero suits. He starts with Honey, then goes to GoGo, Fred, Wasabi, me, Tadashi, and finally himself and Baymax.


Once he gets everything made, we each take turns testing them out with Heathcliff pretending to be the Kabuki Man as we try to get the mask. My suit is a pastel pink color and (very) formfitting, it's like a second skin basically; very Hunger Games-y. It's element is stealth. With the touch of a button on my helmet, I can scan my surroundings and match them to hide, like camouflaging.

Tadashi's is black and slightly similar to mine, except instead of matching his surroundings, he just has the ability to turn invisible.

Once everyone has tested out how their suits work, we all sit in the shade on Fred's porch, waiting for Hiro and Baymax. They're the only ones none of us have seen yet.

"Hey guys! Check this out," Hiro comes out in a purple suit with red stripes down the sides and on the helmet. We follow him, "I'd like to introduce Baymax 2.0" We come around the corner to see Baymax all suited up in red.

"Oh! He's glorious."

"Show 'em what you got, buddy." After Hiro says that, little rocket thrusters ignite and Baymax's whole fist goes flying off.

"Whoa..." we all say, stunned. "Rocket fist make Freddie so happy!"

I can tell Hiro's getting all excited. "That's just one of his new upgrades. Baymax, wings." Then suddenly, wings pop out of Baymax's shoulder area, and Hiro climbs on. "Thrusters."

"I fail to see how flying makes me a better healthcare companion."

"I fail to see how you fail to see that it's awesome! Full thrust!" And off they go.


"I'm starting to get worried," Tadashi says, "it's been like 20 minutes. They should've been back by now. What if Baymax's rockets failed and they fell somewhere."

"Dude, chill." Wasabi says, "There's no way that happened."

"You don't know that. This was just a test trial. It is very possible."

"You really think that would happen?" GoGo asks, "If something like that were to happen, I don't think they would be gone this long, or even be out of Fred's backyard for that matter."

"You never know."

I put my hands on his shoulders. "Relax. If something crazy like that were to happen, we all have headsets in our helmets. Him or Baymax would have contacted us by now."

He takes a deep breath, "You're right."

"And he's probably just using Baymax's enhanced scanner to find Mr. Kabuki Man anyways, at this point."

"Yeah. Ok." He shakes his head in agreement.

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