A New Flame Arises [UPDATED]

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Day 0
Time: 10:18 pm - 10 years after the events of Raya and The Last Dragon.
Location: Rapidly traveling above the forests of Heart of Kumandra.

3rd pov

Here right now, there are two female water dragons, which happened to be siblings. They are currently flying above the forests of Heart. Both of them seem to be racing to reach a mountain. Well... more like an oversized hill when compared to the mountains in Spine.

???: "C'mon Sisu! We're gonna be late! The others are already waiting for us!" -One of them yelled with worry while looking back at the other-
Sisu: [Panting] "Slow down Pranee! And relax would ya?! We've got 15 minutes before the show starts!" -The one named Sisu responded while trying to catch up-
Pranee: "10 minutes actually!" -The one named Pranee corrected her frantically-
Sisu: "That's still enough time!" -Sisu hollered, trying to calm her sibling down but only to get a groan from Pranee-

~Time skip 5 minutes - 10:23 pm~

Both of them eventually reach their destination. This area is a small hill but big enough for a gathering of about 20-40 dragons. The two looked and found their group which also happened to be the rest of their siblings. They're known as Pengu, Amba, and Jagan. Pengu is the eldest sibling, the most mature, and the big brother among the siblings. Pengu is usually calm and collected, even sophisticated at times. Amba is the youngest and the most gleeful. She usually is always in a good mood. She brings joy to others and is often mistaken to be young at heart because of her happiness. Jagan is a sly fox, he's always joking and messing around, and he's the most laid-back out of them. He can be serious when he needs to be but he would rather leave matters to Pengu since he's the oldest.

But about the two who were Sisu and Prannee. Pranee, the eldest sister, the approachable one whom you could always talk to, some would even describe her as an older sister that you never had. She often handles matters with her brother Pengu. And finally Sisu, she's the most trustful soul one could ever know. She tends to trust others even before she meets them. She also gets along with others very well. She's playful like Jagan, she's joyful like Amba, she's kind and caring like Prannee, and she's mature like Pengu. (Well... not as mature)

Pranee: [Panting] "We're here guys!" -Pranee announced as she approached the group-
Jagan: -Jagan turned around to face the two with a grin- "And here I was starting to think you guys were gonna be late!"
Sisu: [Panting] "Hehe, at least we're here on time!" -Sisu jokingly replies, which brought an eye roll from Pranee and a soft chuckle from Jagan-
Amba: -Amba turned to face Sisu- "Over here Sis! I saved you a spot." -Amba called out to her sister, patting the ground beside her-
Pengu: "Everyone look, It's beginning." -Pengu announced to get everyone's attention-

Within the darkened sky that held a fading sunset and a new rising moon, small streaks of red hot lines appeared and flickered. This event that had Pranee so worried about missing was none other than a stunning meteor shower. This occurrence would definitely be considered the opportunity of a lifetime because within this shower of beauty, will be the spark of something... new...

Sisu: -Sisu then remembered why she was in a hurry in the first place- "Oh! Here guys! I managed to run back home and get these for us." -Sisu said handing out fruit to her siblings from a pouch that was strapped to her side-
Jagan: "Nice, I love these!" -Jagan said in excitement while holding one in his talons-
Amba: "Awesome! Thank you Sisu!" -Amba hungrily responded while taking the fruit out from her hand-
Sisu: "You're welcome." -Sisu responded with joy-

Time went by as the group enjoyed their snacks and watched the show. But then an enormous soon-to-be meteorite descends and hurls through the almost invisible clouds of the sky catching everyone's attention.

Pengu: "Oh my, look at the size of that one!" -Pengu pointed out in amazement-
Sisu: "Oh I see it!" -Sisu responded with keen interest-
Jagan: "That would definitely leave a mark somewhere" -Jagan said while munching on his treat-
Amba: "Maybe we could go check it out after the show?" -Amba asked curiously-
Sisu: "Nope, Something THAT BIG has to be worth checking" -Sisu said while getting up-
Pengu: "Okay but you'll miss the show." -Pengu warned-
Sisu: "Ah you worry too much Pengu, I'll be back before you know it." -Sisu said while heading out-
Amba: "Alright then, stay safe Sis!" -Amba says as she turns back to the show-
Sisu: "I will!" -Sisu responded while walking away-

As Sisu leaves the show and takes off in flight she wonders if this really is worth missing the show but she reassures herself that she'll find something.

Time: 11:16
Location: Rapidly flying above the forests in Heart

Sisu's POV

The meteorite came from the west and was heading east, and so east I went. It obviously outran me but I managed to see it finally crashing down up ahead. Seeing that it wasn't going anywhere I decided to land and search for it on the ground. As I walked I heard and felt a violent rumble in the ground which must've been the aftershock of it. I think it's been a while since I left the show, the real reason why I left was that I knew Pengu would've wanted to check it out just to be safe, but I didn't want him to miss the show because of a giant rock. Once I make sure everything is okay then I'll head back.

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