Fire and Water [UPDATED]

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Day: 1
Time: 6:37, about an hour before Sisu reaches the meteorite
Location: The Waterfall that ??? found in Heart

3rd POV

??? had discovered a possible new home in this new world known as Kumandra. ??? enjoyed the fact he now had a possible spot to reside and live. Eagerly, he went off to explore the inside of the waterfall cave. He even hummed a tune as he was walking through the surrounding water on the outside to reach the inside. When he got inside, he was in awe of the beauty of this cave.

???: "Woah" -He couldn't help himself from saying-

???: "Woah" -He couldn't help himself from saying-

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???: "it's perfect....." -he mumbled to himself- "Oh?" -He noticed the small opening in the cave-

??? noticed that inside the cave there was also a smaller cave inside, upon entering it was just a dark den-like area that happened to be perfect for a room. The room had no wildlife in it and was purely made of stone. The room was about 30ft x 30ft and 15 ft in height. The flooring was just rugged stone. ??? then had an idea, they went out to gather the leaves, logs, and fiber and place them in his soon-to-be new room. The result was a pile of materials for a nature-themed bed. Before anything, he grabbed a decent-sized log and breathed fire upon it setting it ablaze which provided light.

Now his first step was to adjust the flooring, so he then, using his powers, heated his claws and flattened the room, he simply consumed the molten rocks which replenished a fraction of his energy because of the heat from it. Then he began to make the framework to his liking, He then held out a talon, and removed the bark from the wood. He then heated his hand so he could carve out holes in the ground to place the wood frame in. He scoped out the molten rock and placed the frames in it and put the molten rock back inside but he touched the wooden frame to prevent it from burning.

Once the molten rock cooled back into stone, which now held the framework into the ground, he let go of the wooden frame. Now since the frame of the bed was done he needed to place more logs to support him with some makeshift rope from the fiber he collected. Due to his large figure, he needed to place a lot of. Once that was done he made sure the surface of the bed was smooth and flat. Then finally, he placed enough leaves and soft material to make the bed comfortable. After that, he took a step back and smiled at his work.

???: "Maybe this won't be so bad after all..." -he said with hope for a peaceful life-

After about 3 hours of work, it was 9:30 am. ??? then decided to take a dip in the small body of water outside seeing that he deserved it. He thought that he had all of the time in the world, after all, it was not like anyone is here.

Day: 1
Location: Flying through forests in Heart of Kumandra
Time: 9:40 am, about 1&½ hours after Sisu picked up ???'s scent

Sisu's POV

Not gonna lose you again bud. I wasn't going to let him get away this time. As a dragon, it's my purpose to bring water and life to the world around me and to ensure that this world is safe, and right now, I have a variable that I have to deal with. I felt the scent leaving again so I took another whiff of the blood-stained blade, which I'm not proud of but is necessary for the safety of this world. And strangely enough, I felt more confident in this soon-to-be confrontation. I then entered a zone where the scent was now getting stronger. I'm getting close. I was currently in a forest flying in it. Why was I flying in a forest instead of above it? I don't know but I don't care to change it, I've bigger things on hand.

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