Ashes from a Distant Home

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Time: 12:00 PM
Location: The Capital of the Inferno Kingdom

Kai's POV

I was studying the history of our world on my lounged bed. I'm currently reading about the ancient Gateway, most of our scrolls argue about what it actually is. but there's a common legend that people speak of, they say that there was once a time where there was another race of dragon that lived among us, they were called The Water Dragons. These Water Dragons didn't have wings like we did but had elongated bodies, and instead of having shades of crimson scales, they had different shades of blue fur. Also, they had a row of horns on the middle of their head and had manes of fur, but despite their biological differences, there was one thing that we didn't have, magic. They say that it was them who taught our race how to use magic. Some also say that in those days when they dwelled among us, our race and theirs were enemies of the Drunn, they say that in those ancient times, there was an eternal war between the Dragons and the Drunn. They say in that war, The Water Dragons made a plan was made to end the eternal war, the plan was to separate our race from the other and split our world in two. We, The Fire Dragons, agreed to fight the Drunn for as long we could while the other race raced to figure out a way to permanently banish them. once the world slipt into two, westwards and eastwards in space, a Gateway was made in our new separate worlds to keep the two races together. But if this really did happen, the connection was severed. They say that the Drunn found a way to the other world and ambushed the Water Dragons. But they say that they managed to find a magical spell or power to forever banish them. The reason they say this is that if they did so, it would explain why the drunn on our side retreated during the legend of the ancient war. as a result, there was a period of peace yet the drunn still existed here. But they also say that The Water Dragons did indeed find or create a spell that banished the Drunn on their world and as a result, it weakened the Drunn on our world which could explain the sudden retreat during the ancient war. Yet there is one problem that keeps this as a legend, The Inferno War started, It started because one day, the Drunn in hordes started a war with us. They say something happened to their weakening spell because of the Inferno War happening. but alas these are only myths and legends, but what is confirmed true history is that there was once a peaceful time before the Inferno war but and that's where our first Inferno Lord came, but before that no one knows nor remembers. When the first Inferno Lord was made, Ash,  a mysterious fire-colored orb had appeared from nowhere and empowered the Fire Dragon with great mystical powers to rule the rest of us. The Inferno Lord however, stepped down from his throne, the orb however in response chose a new Inferno Lord but it didn't take away Ash's power. no one knows why Ash gave up his throne but also, no one knows where he went. We were lucky that we had our Inferno Lords because when the war came, they were our only hope and key to defeating the Drunn. I Kai,  am a special case because the orb chose me while we already had an Inferno Lord, Cyrus. I was elected during the beginning of the Inferno War I was also a key to the victory against the Drunn. Some people murmured on why I was elected when we had an Inferno Lord. Some rumors are that Cyrus did something so that I would replace him but I didn't exactly want to. I was still on my comfy spot reading until The Red Guard broke in.

Me: "huh?" "What are you guys doing here?" "Is something wrong?" - I said as I put down my scroll-

They didn't answer, as expected. The Red Guard was always silent. I always admired their armor, from head to toe their magical shapeshifting armor which transformed with them if turned into their kindle forms which also covered their entire body leaving them as mysterious and invulnerable. Their armor was red and spiked with crimson red then and there and it also had glowing streaks of blood-red which represented the magical properties of it. The armor itself was menacing and sharp. It struck fear into those vile Drunn who would be unfortunate enough to oppose them. The Red Guard was created to serve the Inferno Lord, they were also used as elite operatives in the Inferno War. As they stood there I noticed someone was sifting through them. It was their leader, Ember. She was a personal friend of mine, we fought alongside each other multiple times during the Great War. There was silence between us until Ember spoke

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