Powers of Flame [UPDATED]

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Day: 1
Time: 1:17 pm
Location: Kai's claimed waterfall within Heart of Kumandra

Sisu's POV

Sisu: "You said you were a fire dragon right?" I've seen quite some... powerful abilities that you possess. How exactly powerful are you?"

He grew silent at this and looked away... After a while, he looked back at me with an answer to my question, although it seemed like it wasn't exactly his wish to do so.

Kai: [Sigh] "I suppose it's only fair for you to be curious about that but I need to ask you something before I can tell you."
Me: "O-Oh? What is it?"
Kai: "I want to trust that you can keep this information to yourself, can I do so?" -He asked which took me off guard-

Why does he want this to be kept a secret? It's not like he's hiding anything bad... right?

Me: "I mean sure I can, but why?"
Kai: "I've already said before that I mean you or your race no harm but this information if spoken lightly could... agitate them..." -he said with a look that indicated fear-
Me: "How so?"
Kai: "Well I think it would be better if I told you in a more secure enclosed area, don't you think?" -He said while gesturing back to his home-

I nodded in agreement so he led me back there. I was thinking a lot about what was to come next, I was also a little bit scared but that didn't stop me. As Kai and I were heading into the waterfall cave, I wondered what was wrong and why Kai's abilities were such a serious matter, all water dragons told each other of their abilities. I also noticed an uneasy and afraid look on him, was he nervous? I mean I guess it does take a lot of trust and courage to openly reveal yourself to a stranger, not to mention an alien.

When we reached inside, He took his fists and struck them together. A powerful sound then erupted from them. His hand was now glowing red hot. He then placed them on the floor which turned the stone into lava, he then lifted the lava with one hand and began molding the lava into sofa-like chairs which amazed me at the sight. He was making chairs out of stone, Another ability? Lava powers? Once they were in the shape which I guessed he desired he then began extracting the heat out of them which returned the lava to stone.

Kai: -He then turned towards me- "you can go ahead and sit down, you would want to, this is gonna be a bit long." -He said as he sat down-
Me: "Oh sure"

I then took my seat on the chair, it was smooth like someone spent hours on it. I then looked at him ready for him to begin. A while went by and we just sat there in silence, I guess he really was nervous after all. I mean I don't blame him for it. This to me is still pretty wild, I mean I woke up today intending to find him and I did. Although I'm not sure what I'm going to do after this.

Me: "So uh..." -I broke the silence while looking away-
Kai: "S-Sorry, I know that I'm dragging this on. It's just that this... subject... it's what got me here in the first place." -He apologized looking down-

You're here because of your powers? Was this a punishment of some kind by your kind? That's horrible, no one should be punished just because of their abilities. Even when a water dragon has trouble controlling its abilities, no matter how powerful it is, we water dragons don't banish them for it.

Me: "It's okay Kai if you don't want to, you don't have to talk about this." -I said comfortingly, trying to make him feel better-
Kai: "No, No, I'm fine. I feel like you're someone who I could trust and If I'm going to spend my time here it's best if I can gain the trust of your kind" -He fixed himself and spoke formally- [Clears throat] "Anyways enough waiting. First things first, the powers that you've seen me wield are called fire powers and there are many abilities, I know how to utilize A LOT of them.
Me: "Oh? Like how many are we talking about here?" -I asked with curiosity-
Kai: "Let's just say that the amount is bound to one's imagination.
Me: Oh wow, THAT is a lot, or it's just lazy writing to make an excuse that the author doesn't know how many abilities there are. (Shh! Don't expose me in front of the readers! And don't break the fourth wall! Don't you know how expensive it is?)
Kai: Now let's start with the first general one, Pyrokinesis. This one is pretty basic and most fire dragons can learn this ability first."
Me: "Ooh, what does it do?" -I asked with curiosity-
Kai: "Well before we get to that, I also want to inform you that every fire dragon is capable of breathing fire so that you know."
Me: "WAIT WHAT?! CAN YOU SHOW ME?!" -I suddenly asked in excitement while getting close to him-
Kai: "Hehe sure although you might want to back up Sisu. Don't want you to get burned." -He said getting up-

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