Flickering Flame [UPDATED]

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Day 1
Location:100ft above the air and 100 mph flying above forests in Heart in Kumandra
Time: 1:01 am

3rd POV


It had been quite a while since The Dragon, the creature that Sisu had previously encountered, took off and flew for their life. However, they were in no condition to fly and the adrenaline that was pumping in their veins was running out. Thankfully, the cover of the night had concealed them from anyone looking up into the sky. But a new fear will come to their mind, not from a person but rather from high up in the sky they are.

???'s POV (Look, The time, location, and date are literally above, no I'm not lazy...maybe)

Me: "OH THIS ISN'T GOOD!" -I yelled, sacred of realization-

OH NONONONO, NOT NOW! My wings were giving out, this wasn't good. I don't know if I'm being followed or hunted by whatever that was back there. My wings then gave out and I started falling. I just survived the landing earlier, taking this fall would put me in an even worse condition. Not to mention that I'm in an unknown world currently. As I was falling I came up with an idea to reduce the stress of my situation.

Me: "Alright! This has to work or I'm as good as dead!" -I yelled desperately out loud-


Right before I hit the ground I flapped my wings as hard as I could so it could reduce the impact damage of the fall. I then looked at the forest below me as I fell, I'm really hoping not to get impaled by a branch. As I brace for the impact I remembered the events leading me here, all that has happened. Why is this happening to me?


Day: 1
Time: 11:57 pm
Location: Above the impact site of the meteorite

Sisu's POV

Me: "Ah! where did it go?!" -I yelled baffled-

Strange ...it's as big as a dragon? It's probably best to tell the others but would they even believe me about this?! oh man, Oh Man, OH MAN! WHAT ON KUMANDRA AM I GOING TO DO!? I AM NOT LIKE THE BEST DRAGON FOR THIS, I'M MORE THAN BEYOND TERRIFIED! THE DRUUN NEARLY WIPED EVERYONE FROM EXISTENCE AND NEARLY WON! ARRGHH GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF SISU! OKAY Okay okay... calm down Sisu. MAYBE JUST MAYBE, this alien isn't a threat to everyone I know and love. MAYBE they're just misunderstood. MAYBE, I can resolve this peacefully. Would giving a gift to them even work? I mean gaining the trust of others has worked before so maybe perhaps I could attempt to represent my world to the creature. OH, WHO AM I KIDDING?! THIS ISN'T A DRAGON OR A HUMAN, IT'S LITERALLY AN ALIEN! I immediately recomposed myself again. I am a water dragon. I know that I'm not the best kind of dragon but I still have to be a guardian of this world. Okay, first things first let's head back, then I'll work things out from there.

(KING CRIMSON!) ~Time skip to Sisu arriving back where her siblings were - 1:28 am~

As I was approaching the mountain where I had left my siblings I could only think about my next step. What am I going to tell them? I couldn't figure out whether to tell someone about this or to keep this to myself. As I landed on the ground I concluded that I would figure this out for myself, I don't know if this person or creature has any ill intention towards life and if they don't then I wouldn't want to figure that out after having them hunted down. Although there seems to be only one of them so far... I noticed that I was right about to run into my siblings so I tried my best to look calm right now.

Me: "Hey everyone!" -I called out to everyone-

The group turned towards me and waved. It's Okay Sisu, just stay cool, everything will be fine. Hopefully.

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