Spark of a Combustion

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Time: 4:15 pm
Location: Kai's home in Kumandra

Kai's POV

I looked back at Sisu who was still sleeping peacefully in my bed. So I went out of the room and went to my kitchen area which I built earlier but forgot to show to Sisu I had it built similar back at home, I had a small kitchen island which had some chairs carved from stone. I took a seat, I had a lot to think about. Sisu was kind, sweet, and gentle when meeting me. But I don't think that all of the other dragons will be the same. But what is the worst that can happen? An image of me being hanged on a wall dead, as some kind of trophy appeared in my mind. Ok, that sounded pretty bad, but what if I had Sisu on my side? Maybe she could be my ambassador for my race. Wait she doesn't know that there are more of my kind. Well, I did kind of mention  I knew what a Dragon is "according to my knowledge". Well, she hasn't asked about it so I guess it's not a thing that crosses her mind. Okay, maybe Sisu can claim she discovered me as a new sentient species. No, I told her I come from a different place and she knew I was from space because of the meteor I came from. What if I just walked in and introduced myself? NO! Think Kai! Think! WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN IF A CREATURE JUST WALKED INTO YOUR HOME YOU'D OBVIOUSLY CAPTURE IT! Ugh, I'm getting nowhere here... I looked at my hand and then at my talons. Hmmm. OH! The Dragons must know about the other species that live here... what were they called again? Humans! If I looked like one of them then I could blend in! with no one suspecting me! Although it's a bigger risk if I get caught as a Human. Wait... I suddenly stopped. The orb would choose another Inferno Lord so I don't really have to worry about my world right now. So why am I making the effort to discover if this is indeed is the Lost World just to find the Gateway... I don't want to go back. Ugh great now I'm sad. My stomach suddenly rumbled, I guess it's time to go hunt something. I hope this world has at least deer in it. I made my way outside. The golden rays of the sun hit me and oh my was it bright. but I noticed that soon the sun would set so I have limited time. So... I began my hunt. 

Time skip - 1:00hr

I was walking through the forest, being as quiet as I possibly can so I could hear anything that would be worth hunting. It's been a bit and I've wondered if Sisu has woken up yet. I continued walking, this place is really something I wondered how big this world was and if this location had a name. I suddenly heard something walking. I crouched and looked in the direction where what was making noise.

 I crouched and looked in the direction where what was making noise

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Perfect I thought. I made my way closer slowly and stealthy towards it. I was waiting... It knew that something or I =) was watching it. I waited and waited and then-


I was shocked, something was here and it was behind me. I turned around ready to punish what had disturbed my hunting. It was a black bear, the only animal that could put up a fight against dragons in brute strength. It was standing upright roaring at me, the deer had already run away so... I'll just have the bear instead =). The bear came at me attempting to claw me I dodged to the right and clawed its side. I was going to give it a chance to run so I stood upright and roared at it. My height alone would scare most animals but this bear wouldn't back down. Fine, I guess I can have some fun teaching it a lesson =). The bear charged at me I dodged backward using my wings. They continued charging at me so I did a flip over them, when I was above them I clawed their back. They roared in pain as they turned around to me. They charged at me, again. Does this bear have no strategy at all? I'll play their pathetic game, I charged at them we clashed against each other, we wrestled for dominance going back and forth. we were facing each other and roaring at each other but suddenly, they went for my neck and bit it. I yelled in agony and I lost my balance so they knocked me over. I fell to the ground I tried to get up but they knocked me over. Every time I attempted to get up I got pushed down they were clawing and biting me. I felt my wings being bit and they tried to rip it off. I roared in pain as I was being pushed over. I HAD ENOUGH. 

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