A Rekindling

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Time: 5:00 pm -5 days after Kai's execution
Location: The Inferno Kingdom's Keep - Royal Conference Room

3rd POV

It had been about 5 days since the execution of Kai, The Kingdom, and its subjects trying to sort everything out. Cyrus was chained and caged at the Prison of Ice. Since Kai is presumed dead and Cyrus is a traitor, a new Inferno Lord is desperately needed but yet The Orb has not elected one. When Cyrus was arrested he was escorted to the Prison of Ice. The people were confused about what had happened. Later when it was revealed that Cyrus framed Kai and has successfully killed him, the people clamored for his head, but they also mourned and feel great guilt for what they had done. Here in the Keep, Ember, The Red Guard, Garnet, and Zerai gathered to discuss and talk.

Ember: "You all are wondering why I've brought you here..." -Ember announced-
Ember: "I brought you here because of our current situation regarding Kai and the Kingdom. The Orb... has not yet chosen a new Inferno Lord yet. So I brought you all here to help me figure out what to do until our next ruler is chosen." -She said looking down in sadness-

They were in a room known as the Royal Conference Room, its maximum capacity is around 25-30 people so it isn't that large. It has an open arch-like door that leads out to a hallway. Here, usually, The Inferno Lord and his most trusted people gather at a table here to make decisions for the entire Kingdom. Yet right now there is no eligible candidate for ruling the Kingdom. Amber, The Red Guard, Garnet, and Zerai are all seated in the room. There is though, a close friend of Kai's, He goes by Arsonos. Arsonos is by far the closest to Kai in all of the Inferno Kingdom. Very few people understand their friendship or even know his existence, some would even say like they're brothers. Everyone in the room knew about him but they had started without him. A message was sent to Arsonos to request his presence here but he has yet to arrive.

Ember: "Our main priorities are: 1. Deciding exactly who will take place as ruler until an Inferno Lord is chosen. 2. H-Having a funeral for K-Kai... 3. Deciding on what punishment is given to Cyrus. Any suggestions on how to handle these." -She listed-

The room fell silent with whispering, the kingdom, never in history, was without an Inferno Lord.

Garnet: "Perhaps the Red Guard could take sections of the Kingdom to minister and you overseeing it all?" -Garnet offered-
Ember: "No, The Red Guard are soldiers, not rulers. They were never trained to take the role in rulership" -Ember said looking down-

The Red Guard began to whisper to themselves in a weird shadowy language, it looked like they were discussing possible candidates for the job. Then the one who was closest to Ember began whispering in her ear. When they were done Ember announced:

Ember: "The Red Guard suggested that we see what Arsonos has to say about this, yet we would wait since he is not here." -Ember said rolling his eyes
???: "If you want my advice then go seek The Orb and see if you can have it choose a new Inferno Lord or... execute Cyrus." -A man spoke from the door-

A Dragon was there leaning on the arch-like opening with one foot on the floor and the other on the wall of the door. He had a red scarlet silk cape that almost completely shrouded his body, it had sone golden flat plates on his shoulder that stacked on another with each one below larger than the one on top, they were curled to be facing away and moderately upwards with an end that looked like spikes. Inside he wore some garments with a mix of colors of black, grey, and red that hugged his body shape with some plate of armor that was meant for protection and swiftness. The garments weren't overly sized and spacious. They were similar to those of an assassin but a warrior's at the same time. His cape had a hood and which he also wore. When the hood was worn, it held a black symbol on the forehead had which could only be given by an Inferno Lord which also signaled for importance or great trust. Each symbol of an Inferno Lord was unique from those before or after them. This symbol was given by Kai himself. The man also wore a silk-like but sturdy skull bandanna that masked the bottom half of his face, leaving only his dark reddish-brown eyes to exposure to others. He was facing the group with his arms crossed. This mysterious dragon was no other than the bother-like friend of Kai, Arsonos.

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