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Day 1  month after Kai's execution
Time: 6:00 am
Location: The Shore of the Damned, Mind, Infernia

Rick's POV

I stood before the ocean, this world had just taken a significant turn. Darkness spreads all around us, Cyrus has betrayed us a long time ago. And He has done the greatest sin. Joining the Druun. Not even these Ocean waves will remain unaffected if new heroes do not arise. But then again we are all sinners for killing Kai. I miss the times when the ocean waves soothed me.

*Mischeivioes chuckling* hehehehHEHEHAHAHAHAH! 

Oh, man do I NOT regret this lol, you thought that there was a chapter all nice and ready for you? Nope, I haven't finished rewriting, also what is today? The First of April, thus April's fools day. But don't worry I'm still working on rewriting. I mean, I'm on spring break right now so I get a whole week just relax and work. This isn't also canon on what happens in the story btw, it's just something I made up lol. But yeah, happy April fools day I guess, bye.

Phantom signing out-

Sisu and the Last Fire DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora