Kai, Chosen of The Orb

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(I know I said was going to describe looks with words but I couldn't resist this, they just look so awesome. Oh and it isn't mine, I just found it on google)
Time: 7:30 am
Location: Kai's Bedroom

Kai's POV

Me: [yawning]

I had opened my eyes and was slowly waking up, I turned my head and saw Sisu was still sleeping. She had again wrapped her arms around my stomach, again. Note to self, she's a cuddler. This was nice and all but I had to get up so I tried to pry myself off but had no luck doing so. Man, Sisu has arms strong as steel. Today I was going to ask her if I could meet her siblings and other friends. I also remembered yesterdays event's and realized that I don't have my armor so I guess my first priority right now is to create some. I turned my body, while still in her grasp, to face Sisu's, and our faces almost met. Oh boy, this is going to be awkward.

Me: "Psst, Sisu" -I said gently-
Sisu: "Mmmm five more minutes..." -Sisu said half asleep-
Me: "Sisu, wake up" -I said again-
Sisu: "Noooo...... It's so warm...." -She responded-

I mentally sighed, oh well =). I gently booped Sisu's nose, she made a face of confusion and discomfort. I booped it again, this time she made a discomforting noise saying 'Noooo let me sleep...' I have no mercy for her now, I then began swarming her face with boops and she woke up quite fast and slowly opened her eyes.

Sisu: "Ughh okay okay I'm up."

She had opened her eyes and realized that we were only inches away from sharing a kiss, she looked down and saw her arms were wrapped around my waist. She then looked at me with a blush.

Me: "Moring Sisu, glad you slept well, mind letting me go now? -I said teasingly-

She instantly removed her arms after my comment

Sisu: "I-I-I UH KAI...IT'S N-NOT WHAT IT L-LOOKS LIKE" -She stammered-
Me: "Hehehe don't worry about it Sisu." -I responded while turning around and getting out of bed-

I had turned around and saw Sisu still in bed processing what had just happened. I stretched while yawning, It was time to find some components for armor crafting. But where would I find some? probably near mountains or mines. Wait a minute, I could just ask Sisu.

Me: "Hey Sisu?"
Sisu: "Y-Yeah Kai?" -she said still flustered-
Me: "Where would I find some strong metals to craft with?" -I asked-
Sisu: "M-Metals? Well... Spine is known for its strongest elements, Why?"
Me: "I'm building a project, and where would Spine be?"
Sisu: "Oh well... Spine is quite far and It's north. Would you like me to take you there?

I wasn't planning on bringing Sisu with me but... I exactly wouldn't mind.

Me: "Sure that's sounds nice but I'm gonna find something to eat first that you won't rip from my stomach" -I joked referring to what happened earlier-

Time skip - 1 1/2 hrs

We had breakfast and talked for a bit. Then, we started preparing for our journey. Currently, now, we were now outside of the cave, ready to take off to Spine. Sisu insisted that I went into my human form so I could ride on her back, but I wasn't comfortable being a human so I remained in my dragon form. Sisu was leading the way. Sisu jumped into the air, I took after her, my wings boosting me into the air. We were now soaring above the forest. We went upwards so we were flying through clouds. I had asked Sisu to lead us high enough so other dragons wouldn't see me. Eventually, we were over a sea of some sort. I really needed a map of this place. We've come across some dragons flying near us on our way, with me hiding in a cloud of course while Sisu greeted them. When then reached the shore of the kind called Spine, we then took a quick breather on the ground. Sisu pointed up to where some mountains were, She said that I would most likely find some old mines there. Sisu said that she was going to visit the Spine village. We then parted ways, it was time to forge my armor. I flew up to the high on the mountains, I found a mineshaft, thankfully no one's here. As I traveled deeper and deeper I came across an enormous open cave inside. Rails and minecarts littered everywhere, pickaxes and crafting benches then and there. I also saw quite a lot of metals and gems scattered everywhere. This was a treasure trove, this was perfect for my project. I picked a spot and heated my claws, and mined away I had a lot to do and it was time to get to work.

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