-Chapter 12-

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no other that I know of!
If I missed anything please tell me :)
E n j o y
Time skip-Two weeks after last chapter
Schlatts POV
Today's the day! Me and the boys moving to the new house! To me this is the best thing that has happened in years.Tubbo was on my hip as we walked to Wilburs abode.
I hear some scurrying behind the door and it was opened to revel a tired Wilbur with Tommy tugging at his hair.
"Hello Wilbur! Hey Toms!"
"Hey Schlatt! Hi Tubs!"
The two babies giggle at each other,Tommy making grabby hands to Tubbo.

Wilbur lets me in and we sit on the couch, watching the children play on the floor.
"So-They May or May not be another reason for me being here other then to entertain you and your child-"
"Hummm-What is it?"
"Welllll Will I have known you for ages now and you are practically my son sooo-Wanna move in with me?"

Wilbur short-Circuits and then a huge smile is slapped on his face.He instantly jumps up to hug me.I laugh and hug him back,tight.He repeats the word yes so many times i lost count.

It's been a few hours since then and I've got Wilbur and Tommy's things on my hands as we walk to my new home,Leaving the other house for Phil to deal with.

Once we get there Wilbur insists on helping with unpacking but I refuse,giving him the job of greeting Sam at the door,handing the kids into his care and then helping me decorate his room.

Wilburs POV
H o l y  f u c k i n g  s h i t
This has been the best day I think I've ever lived-I got to move with Schlatt and Tubbo and also got some awesome guitar picks!

Schlatt calls me,making me snap out of the trance I didn't know I was in.I follow the voice to one of the bedrooms.The only things in the bedroom was a wardrobe,Bed(with no bedding) and a desk.

"This room is yours Wil! I have some spare cash and shit so we can go to the mall and buy some bits for your room if you want- Oh! And if you wanna go we gotta pick up some more bottles and cloths for Tom and Tub."

I smile wildly and nod in schlatts direction and he smiles back.He pats my back as he passes me and I trail behind.
Schlatt tells Sam where we're going as he grabs his wallet and puts it in his pocket.We turn to leave but suddenly hear a cry,A Tommy cry.

I turn around and walk up to Sam,Taking Tommy in my arms.
"Why don't we bring them with us? I don't think Toms will stop crying if I leave"
Schlatt nods and Sam stands up with Tubbo in his grasp and follows us out the house.

-At the mall cause I'm fucking tired-

Schlatt,Sam and I split up at the malls entrance Schlatt giving me £30 to buy things for my room and Sam slid in an extra £10 to 'treat ourselves' Ourselves referring to me and Tommy.
We stopped for ice cream,Tommy having chocolate and i got myself vanilla.I fed Tommy as we walked to the next store,Ive never been here before so it's gonna be fun!
The store from the outside is literally just things for room decor.With the ice creams long finished and Tommy in arms I walked into the store.I bought a few band posters and a few things the desk in the room.

We walk out and Tommy points to a toy store across from the one we were just in,I look at him,Look at my money then the store.I sigh and we head into the store.While looking around Tommy starts pulling at my sleeve,I look down to see him point at a spider plush.
"papa look! Spider!"
"That is a spider sweet boy,Do you want the spider?"
Tommy nods frantically and I take the spider plush from the shelve and giving it to Tommy,he smiles widely and I walk on,The toy was only £5 so it was alright,we had spare change from Sams contribution anyways.We walk past more plushies and one just sticks out to me,It's a whale.I walk over to it and pick it up deciding that if I do not buy this whale I will be mostly miserable for the rest of my life.

I pay for our plushies and we leave the store,Tommy laying in my arms with his spider in hand.My whale,who I have dubbed Jared,was tightly grasped in my hand.

A few hours later-Sams POV
I walk out of the baby clothes store straight into Wilbur and Tommy I walk over to them and see Tommy asleep in Wilburs arms,a few shopping bags and two (seemingly new) plushes.
"You got all your things? Schlatt is just paying for bits now and it's getting a bit late-Oh and let me take those for you-"
I take the bags out of wilburs grasp,Making sure not to awake the sleeping child.
"Thank you-and Yea I got my stuff,And I hope you don't mind but I bought tommy a plush with some of the cash you gave us-Sorry if you wanted change or anything-"
"Wilbur stop rambling it's all good! I'm happy you and Tommy got a plush! Soooo what's your whales name."
"What a lovely name for a whale."
He giggles at that and I smile at him.
Soon Schlatt walks out With Tubbo and a bunch of bags.I grab the bags of  him,adding to the ones Wilbur had,Schlatt then thanks me.

On walk home I noticed Wilbur getting tired.
"You good there bud?"
"Oh-I'm fine! Just a bit sleepy."
"Alright Wil give Tom to Schlatt-He's sleeps like he's in hibernation so he won't wake up,"
Wilbur nods and hands Tommy over to Schlatt who takes him in the other arm opposite Tubbo.
"And now-"
In a quick motion I picked up Wilbur bridal style.
"You go to sleep-We'll take it from here"
Wilbur looks up in protest but relaxes and closes his eyes,I pull him close to my chest as we make our way to Schlatts.

Schlatts POV
"You stay here while I put Tom and Tub to bed and quickly make Wilburs bed-"
Sam nods while setting the bags on the table making sure to not wake the sleeping boy in his hands then sitting on the couch with Wilbur still asleep.
I walk up the stairs and enter the room next to
Wilburs to be faced with two cribs that belong to the two boys in my arms,I put them in there respective beds and tuck them in with there favourite plushies.I turn on a night light and exit the room,Turning the light off but leaving the door slightly ajar.Next I quickly walk down the stairs and grab the bedding I bought Wilbur,The bedding had music notes and instruments on it.I head back to Wilburs room and put the bedding on the bed.I give Sam he go ahead after heading down the stairs once more to sort out the bags on the table.

TW-Death herself

Karl's POV
"Thank you death."
"All is good Karl,you see this is a big job and remember,Failing results in death,These boys are my sons and there trusted carer."
I nod at the Woman in black as I turn to the door way
"That portal will lead you to when Tommy is only a baby,You must walk your days there to know their story,I will send you back as a youngling,Nothing older then 14.Get my angel on the right path Karl,all my trust is in you."
"Yes your greatness,This must go as planned."

She nods to me and I step through the portal.

I walk out to a field of flowers and I notice two boys around my age,they notice me.
They both walk over.
"Hello! I've never seen you around here! I'm Sapnap and this is Quackity! And you are?"
I smile at them,My husbands.
"I'm Karl!"
Another chapter aye?
And more into Karl's story?
I hope you enjoyed this!
Have a great day/night you amazing people!

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