Chapter 1 part 1: Intro and New Characters

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Edit: 2022/11/04: 

This and the other 'earlier' chapters were written before I got official news and "updates" for the movie, and before I made a second (in my opinion "better") version of the Story itself. I changed parts of the writing in order to make it feel slightly updated.


Everyone knows about that there will be a TAWOG movie which will be a finale of the series, of course everyone is blinded by hype and a part of me too, but let's take a moment to think: What if it repeats the same elements from the series without decent pacing? What if the final product will be rushed, because it was only made just to be finished, without any thought? What if it'll leave a feeling of...Emptiness?

In this essay series, I'm going to dedicate myself to help the writers making a decent film of a pretty popular series. 

But I wanna know your opinions too: Grab a notebook or a Word cause this will be a long ride.

While watching a couple of interviews, I realized that even though there are a LOT of people who worked on the show, they seemed to be pressured and tired certain times, which can explain some flaws of the series. I try my best to give them a template in order to make things at least a little easier.


I see that the creators are really creative, I know that they can do good things. But I think they need improvement at certain things. Although they claimed TAWOG to be an experiment series which explain things. Either way, I tried putting my inspirations from the series and other media too into my version of the story.

Before we get to the main point of the chapter, let me tell my criticisms about the series: What are the things I gave a negative criticism for? How can they improve in the movie? How can I put all these things I thought of in a TV movie? etc.

The Negatives of the Series:

By all means the show's not bad, but people need to realize it has flaws, and not just in the first two seasons.

The show couldn't pick a personality after season 3:

After season 3 I thought the series couldn't pick a personality: It tried to be a typical sitcom, it wanted to be a simple series with fourth wall breaks sometimes similar to Chowder, or it tried to tell a story about the fact they're in a series. If they dedicated the spin off series to be about Rob's point of view of the events, explaining the worlds outside the world of Elmore, explaining his family background and putting it o be fitting for the Void related plot I would forgive this flaw, but there's another problem I have with it.

The unlikable "hero" and how to make it bearable:

Yeah, my other biggest negative criticism which was mainly bothering after season 3 as well was the title character's arrogance and attitude. Now it's alright to make unlikable characters the main protagonists, but it doesn't work with Gumball.

In the beginning he was a dumb character, but he still had a heart of gold towards others, including "villainous" figures.

For some reason I felt he was dumbed down and lost his charm afterwards, he was not only a jerk to Rob, his classmates, certain adults, his girlfriend, but also his family at times. There were certain episodes where they point out this flaw about him, but for majority of the episodes he still remained to be the same arrogant jerk he was before.

I think you can see my point here: How can unlikable characters be likable? You may ask. Well easy, there are two types of stories with this premise:

- The unlikable protagonist gets their punishment in the end.

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