My Thoughts On The Official Premise Of The Movie And The New Series

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So they announced a plot for the movie and a sequel series which will be the finale. Now on paper this sounds good.
But the Premise is a let down. Why you may ask?
Well, to put it simply: The Premise tell us that the title character's big fan, who's a human, finds a gate to other worlds. With it they go on misadventures which will lead to the sequel series.
Now as I said, having a finale in a form of a series after a TV movie sounds good on paper. But this Premise sounds a little unsatisfying, given that people speculate it to be half animated half live action and Rob seemingly not having a main role, even though it would be logical to have.
Why do I have a problem with these?
1. While I do love animation-live action hybrids, I think it's unnecessary for this film to be especially for a bridge which leads to the finale series. Given that it's more difficult to make and it's expensive.
2. Rob has more main character opportunities than Gumball. Now as I said, the title character is fun at times, but I don't think it will hurt anyone if he's a secondary protagonist in the film and sequel series at times. The reason why I want Rob's arc to be completed is NOT just because he's my favorite, but because he's a key character to the main conflict AND an unfinished arc. So it's logical for having him as the main protagonist.
Now how would I execute this idea? Easy:
My ideas for the film for instance is a great opportunity for a sequel series too, given that it introduces new worlds, characters which need to be established more. But honestly this idea for a fan visiting the series'world sounds off, it doesn't even explain the events of "The Inquisition" so it's even more a slap in the face for me personally.
Do I think the film and series will be bad? Despite that I'm not too happy with the Premise, it still has great opportunities. I mean, exploring new worlds? Sounds great! But this 'fan' character and lack of Rob development really buzz me off. But small details may change, so I have hopes for it.
Does it stop me from making the essay series? No. In order to fit my ideas for even a sequel series I need to make smaller changes, like with chapter 2 which I will publish today. Chapter 3 will be a long one but so far what I wrote, I'm already excited to know your thoughts.
I don't hate the creators for this Premise, but they need to make smaller changes for it to not feel... Off.
Hopefully you all understand my criticisms for this official Premise and I hope that the creators will make smaller changes, especially with making Rob a main protagonist.

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