Chapter 4: Story 2.0 version (Part 3)

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(The image shows a trio of Guardians who are protecting The Middle Part of The Guardians' Realm. The Phoenix is Helia, The Lion is Leon or just Leo,  and The Griffin is Turul or Turu.) 

Story 2.0 Part 3: The Guardian's Realm  

After entering, they walk through a glowing corridor which is marked like a chip. Yet, looks like a part of an ancient labyrinth. 

(Imagine this, but as a giant labyrinth) 

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(Imagine this, but as a giant labyrinth) 

They look around and, they see a sky full of wires and codes flooding around the air, and some mysterious looking creatures flying around. 

As they walk forward, only a mythical melody plays in the background. While we see The Realm in it's glory: 

(This is the best picture I could find for illustrating what The Realm may look like from top or plan view

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(This is the best picture I could find for illustrating what The Realm may look like from top or plan view. Only it also has screens showing each series from The Channel) 

Once they get to the middle part, a dramatic and triumphant part of the music plays, as we see the garden and the palace. Along with creatures that look like those found in mythical folklore, but with cyber like markings glowing on each. 

(This is how it looks like

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(This is how it looks like. They only show up when they're in The Realm. The markings start from the crystals on their chests, all the way up to their face, limbs (like wings) and tails) 

They approach them, to which the music quiets down.

In The Middle Part, a Trio of Guardians are awaiting them. A female Phoenix (Helia), a male winged lion (Leon/Leo), and a male Griffin (Turul/Turu).  

After looking in each others eyes in wonder, the creatures cheer and welcome them in their Realm. Roland explains his son that these creatures are Guardian Programs, who protect the channel, and also his aunts and uncles (The mother's siblings) 

The rest of The Guardians tell the main cast what just happened to their home: 

They were invaded by The Enemy Programs, a.k.a The Shadow Creatures or Monsters. Who are programmed similar to The Guardians, but with dark twists, such as their manipulating poison and destruction skills.

They all get shocked by this, some even panic. The Guardians try to calm them down, but they are not experienced with actually interacting with the characters themselves. It's explained by one of them to Anais after her asking about this, that they have strict rules with their job:

- Never show up, meaning they should stay invisible in every shows' worlds. Since they only watch over them and watch out from any errors within the series.

- Never interact with the characters. Like talking to them.

- Never miss out any error in the shows. Whether it's technical or "breaking the rules within the show" (A Reference and Example for that is the Episode: "The Job")

- Crossovers can only happen if the series' creators in question allow itt o happen.

- They can only interact with anyone from any show once that series is 'retired'. Meaning it already ended and everyone from that world retires in a world known as: "CN City".

After explaining this, she starts to realize why their world and characteristics are radically different from theirs.

Meaning: The Guardians have been isolated from all of the series so much that they developed their own identity, which unlike the TAWOG Characters' personalities, they are a lot more shaded, serious and calm, but overall they're cheerful, positive and overall caring. They clearly love their job despite these rules. 

(Apologies for the lack of original illustrations, I'm not a background artist.) 

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