Chapter 4: Story 2.0 version (Part 1)

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(The image shows The Commander of The Shadow Creatures) 

About the 2nd version:

This version is a lot closer to the official Premise of the movie, but I changed a thing about it: 

It does NOT include some random fan discovering a gate to other worlds. Because even if the character in general will be likable, what other purpose would they have aside of them being  plot device to find a gate to other worlds? None. Thus, this role will be given to the main cast.

I also didn't included plenty of scenes, but they can give episode ideas to the Sequel Series. (For example: Rob's childhood) 

It's also toned down dark scene vise, they're still there but not as much as in the 1.0 version.

Now that we already got these down, let's get into it: 

Story 2.0 Part 1: Intro and Argument 

The beginning of the movie is the same as in the First Version, but with changed elements: 

After the scene of Rob falling down, we see it being presented on a projector in a form of a one shot. The Commander holds the remote while he's talking to the prisoner who is hidden in the shadows, but the dialogue is shorter here: 

The Commander: "Oh look, this supposed Amazing World is falling apart. It took longer than I thought, but it was about time." 

Shadow Creature 1: ''What about her, Commander Sir?"

The Commander: "We're done with her, let's get done with the rest of this universe."

With that said, they close the door and the scene cuts to Elmore. The main kids talk about the events from yesterday, but brush it off by saying they ask Rob tomorrow. 

Then an earthquake wakes up the entire town, then we get an escaping scene. Which shows the painting of The Wattersons running from the destruction, with the Void in the background becoming reality.

After a fading transition we see them trying to recover from the destruction of their world. While searching for everyone, they find Rob on one of the floating rocks. They wanna tell him that he was right, and that they regret not listening to him, but he snaps back at them. Which leads to this speech from him: 

Rob: "Leave me alone, for good! I have enough of getting back stabbed every time I wanna do something, to appeal to the world! But no matter what I do, I always get the worst treatment because SOMEBODY forced me to be a villain. Despite that NOT being the real me! But guess what? I managed to give you all a second chance to everyone who tortured me, by saving them from a REAL THREAT! All this time, I wanted to do something good, the paintings, the transformation. All these were planned to save all of your lives! But no, you turned your back against me and used me like a punching bag, like you always did to me! Before and after my escape from here!"

He say this in an angered, yet a hurt way, with even tears running on his face. He takes a deep breath, then sighs and continue.

Rob: "Now, leave me here, it's too late anyway... Do whatever antics you want to do, just stay away from me..."

He says it in a sad tone, sitting down the edge of the rock. The main kids try to talk to him, even looking worried for him, but they go away to give him some time to calm down. 

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