My Speculations for the Fate of the Movie (and my plan for the Worst)

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Alright, so I heard the news about the whole "HBO Max Drama", The Anger and Panic from people, and of course, the Baseless Rumors.

I don't wanna go in further details about them, literally everyone spoke their mind about this. But for those people who don't know what I'm talking about, here's a recap:

Recently, HBO Max deleted few of it's programs and halted those in progress, due to Warner Brothers Discovery wanting to re brand it to a new Platform due to certain user based issues. This is not a new thing in the world of media, but a lot of shows and movies got off the list right now, understandably angering a lot of people.

The reasons however are simple: Long story short they delete them for a while due to money sparing reasons (Another reason programs go off from any of these platforms is usually copyright)

Like with ANY BAD NEWS as a whole, some people immideatly get to the worst case scenario, even if that's not likely. Same goes for this one.

Now that we settled these down, let's get to the point: How do these affect the TAWOG Movie and Sequel Series?

Now, I wanna keep things short, because other wise we'll be here all day:

The Creator Officially stated that at the moment the project is in a paradox state: Meaning it's in the making but also halted at the same time. But he believes that the project will be green lit one day.

Now here are my speculations for any possible scenario:

Green lit:

Whether or not it'll be released this year or the next one: WB Discovery may not release it due to unknown reasons. BUT Being a made for TV movie, it will surely air on Cartoon Network, then released on other platforms. (Hulu and Prime comes to mind, but it depends on the region where you live)

Once it's released, I'll share my thoughts about it, and compare itt o my own versions to the official one. I just hope that the premise got better compared what we heard last time.


Let's say that somehow the worst case scenario happens. The film and with that the sequel series gets cancelled: While I can't say this is what gonna happen for sure (Given the fact that Gumball is one of the most popular/recognized and life savior show for the channel as a whole), I can tell you what I will do if the worst case happens.

Now, I clearly cannot make an official release, but I can give something that may ease this ache for a few people:

A Comic Series based on this book and/or a Reader Insert.

Yes, I'm not kidding. Right now I feel I need to stretch my creativity further, including drawing in different art styles. I also feel like presenting my Ideas and Headcanons in different formats would intrigue a lot more people. (Especially from all the artwork I shared in public the Headcanon related ones are the most popular. Along with this book.)

For now, I mainly do sketches before actually drawing the comic itself. Until then, I still pray for the best for the project, and I hope that it'll be worth the wait. 

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