Chapter 2 part 2: Known Characters' Roles

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Edit 2022/11/05: Edited this chapter as well the same way as the previous one. 

Part 2 out of 2

Now let's talk about the ones from the show and what their roles should be. (In my opinion at least)

Gumball and his family:

For him and his family I planned a redemption arc after realizing what they have became, how they treated each other and others around them, and trying to earn Lori's and Rob's trust. 

For the Both Versions of the Story, they're basically the same a they were after season 3 in the beginning. But throughout the movie, they change to be better personalities and co work with Lori, her family, and others. 

Basically: They can still have their comedy but now with a heart of gold, as a call back to seasons 1 and 2.


You can see I'm trying to make him having the main role. Don't get me wrong, The Wattersons are a lot of fun. But honestly, Rob is more interesting, mysterious and horribly mistreated. There's just more going on with him.

In the beginning, he could have trust issues towards everyone at times but his family. However, he's NOT ANTAGONISTIC! Instead, he now feels conflicted: He has trust issues, but at the same time, he wants to save everyone. 

Throughout Both versions of the story, he wants to go with family to save the channel and their world from the Shadow Creatures. After a while he decides to work together with the rest of the cast. 

In the end, he is welcomed and respected for his collaborating, and getting recovered from his wounds from the past. 

Obviously do not make him a punching bag just for jokes and don't make him villainous.

For family name? I don't think it's an important detail, but I've been thinking about: "Garde" (literally meaning "keep" in French and it sounds like "guard" when pronounced) but honestly it's not a must.

Scrapped Guardian form:

Originally, I wanted him to have a guardian form in the final battle against the villain. He could have almost look like in his original form: 

Being mostly blue, but with scale like patterns, a dragon tail replacing the pig tail, claws, two fangs, his dragon like eye being the same and having around 3 powers: Flying, creating fireballs and leaving powerful scratch marks (based on eastern dragons having venom in their teeth and claws) but I don't think everyone will love it at all.

The reason I wanted a guardian form for him is because it could imply that: If a guardian and a fictional character have a child, that's a hybrid. Unlike The other TAWOG kids who reflect one of their parents, species vise.

And for The Van shop Keeper Guy:

As I said in part 1, I wanted him to be the Creator. Him being banished in a form of a shadowy being. But in order to avoid plot holes, I changed him to be a character who worked together with the Guardians with keeping some of their tools safe, like the universal remote.

In Both Versions, after finding out what happened he decided to get the stolen guardian tools from the enemy programs. He took them inside his van and ever since keeping them only to the ones he thought they were trusting. (Sarah is not one of them, she FOUND the notebook after he was chased by the police.)

In the First Version, I only made one scene with him. In which they found him, he tells how did he get the tools, and where can they find others, you get it. The scene would end with him giving some Guardian Tools he could save to them in order to set up their quest.

In the Second Version, he has more appearances albeit smaller dialogues with the characters. Firstly the previously mentioned scene, without the ending part. A moment where he talks with Rob about giving a chance for everyone, since they need his help too.

I don't hate the idea of him being the Creator, but most of the Audience could get confused considering the two parted prequel episode, "The Origins", in which he appeared too and I don't want putting too many explanations at once.

Who knows, maybe the writers find a way to make him the Creator in a decent way.

For the other characters... Honestly being a TV movie and mainly the two families and even the villains getting the most roles, I could think of them having minor roles.

You could guess I clearly don't like Sarah's character, so you can either not make her important to the plot only include her in a joke scene where one of The Guardians rants about her behavior, and how she ruined the Notebook for her moronic reasons. Or you can give her a minor arc, where she learns to NOT be a creep in the end.

For Smoll it's the same but also make him a little more helpful and competent at times.

I heard someone saying they bring back Rachel, Tobias' sister. When I looked up for news about the movie no source claimed it so I'm skeptic. Buti f they REALLY want to bring her back (Despite people claimed the creators HATED her, I don't know if it's true too) then they could have her having a little arc too. I saw people pairing her with Rob, although I don't hate the idea, in fact it's the BEST pairing overall. It's just that they didn't have any chemistry between them. Honestly I don't wanted to make the main story romance plot, but they could include small scenes of her being more caring towards Rob, if the creators hated her they can make her decent in the movie even though if she's not the main focus.

And that's about what I could offer to the movie characters vise. Write me what do you think about it so far. Next chapter will be about the World Building, where we take a look worlds outside of Elmore.

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