Chapter 4: Story 2.0 version (Part 2)

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(The Image shows my illustration of how Rob's Father would possibly look like) 

Story 2.0 Part 2: Meeting Rob's Father, Shadow Monster Ambush and The Gate

Rob gets up frustrated, and walks away to a different direction, looking around The Void. He crosses his arms, looking down, thinking that he is a mistake, but at the same time, he thinks it's not fair marking him and others from his world as such. 

The scenery is accompanied with a quiet, sad, yet eerie tone, until he finds a beach house. 

He goes in, and after looking at the properties in the house, he realize it's his home. After this realization, he looks at the stairs. He slowly goes up, and finds someone in one of the rooms: 

It's his father (called Roland), in a frozen position, looking worried and scared. Rob slowly tap on his back, and he returns from being frozen in time. 

Both look at each other in shock, but after realizing what just happened, they hug each other. 

Rob snuggles to his shoulder with tears, quietly saying: 

Rob: "I'm glad I found you, dad..."

Both let go, now looking calmer and relieved, he pat Rob's head gently, chuckling in joy, saying:

Roland: "I'm glad too you're back son, but... What happened to you?"

He asks Rob in a worried tone, looking around if he's not hurt. Rob replies with:

Rob: "Well... It's a long story to explain dad, a painful one too..."

He looks down and continues:

Rob: "I betrayed you and mom..."

His father hugs him, saying:

Roland: "Son, no matter how you look like or what you did in the past, you're always be our son, Rob."

Rob hugs him back, feeling happier than before, thanking him. 

He then talk his past out to his dad. After that, he pet Rob's back, calming him.

Roland: "It'll be alright, we just need to find mom and her siblings, they will help us out."

They hear a noise from outside, which startles them, and then The Enemy Programs attack them, which appear in the form of shadow creatures.

They both manage to run away from them, and run towards the direction where the main cast is reuniting.  

Gumball looks guilty for what Rob said, which was true. His siblings try to comfort him by saying he was stressed out by the situation as well, but he tells:

Gumball: "Guys, he's right. We DID treated him terribly, and it's my fault that we're here in the first place..."

Which isn't completely true, but at some points, he's right.

Then both Rob and Roland run towards them, and Rob's father warns them about The Enemy Programs attacking. To which they all run away once they see a group of them (Around 3-5) following them.

Rob says he found a gate, which with it they can escape from The Void. They all manage to get through it, and with it they get in a completely different world. A world never seen by anyone. 

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