Chapter 4: Story 2.0 version (Part 7)

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(What Rob and his Family's Beach House looks like) 

Story 2.0 Part 7: Finale: 

A fade in transition shows the next scene, in which everyone waits for answers about their home. Loretta comes to them, saying their creator got his position back thanks to them, and he says that their show's weirdness can continue on, with some renewations.

After an epic and visually beautiful scene showing their home being recreated, Loretta asks her son does he want his original look back, now that some of the tools got recreated too for The Guardians. He agrees, to which she uses her paint, finally getting his original look back.

He feels better in his original design, and thanks her by hugging her strongly.

Everyone sadly leaves The Realm, thinking they'll never see them again because of The Guardians' strict Rules. 

Loretta lays down at the entrance of The Palace, looking sad and confused what will happen now. She and The Creator have a conversation about her situation: 

 She and The Creator have a conversation about her situation: 

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(My own illustration of Loretta talking with The Creator. He appears in a form of a light in The World of Fiction whenever he talks with The Guardians.) 

Loretta: "Good Sir, I'm deeply confused and conflicted what to do, you know we have to follow the rules."

The Creator: "Lori, you have been a great Guardian for decades now, and as you know I never mind your decision of becoming a parent in my world. You may be imperfect at times, but it's because you faced new challenges, like this problem with The Shadow Creatures. But you see, it got resolved. Not only that, your son got accepted by everyone. Along with you and your siblings created a great chemistry between you and my creations. You at least deserve to interact with each other more often."

Loretta: "But... What about the rules?"

The Creator: "My world and you all are in a situation, where both Creation and Guardian need each other more than they ever did in the Channel's History. Who knows what other tricks the attacker may have in their pockets. Besides, these folks started to create one unique bond, that may work in your everyday life too. But there are a few things to keep: Do not use your fire, unless a new intruder attack occurs."

Loretta: "Speaking of, do you have any clue who or what created The Shadow Creatures?"

The Creator: "Not yet, but we do have a speculation. We'll talk it out later. Now go on, your family is waiting for you."

With that, we get to see a little slow paced scene with Lori saying goodbye to her siblings, before running then flying towards the show's world.

Everyone settle down to their rebuilt home, but they feel at least a little empty without Lori, especially Rob and Roland.

Roland tries to comfort his son that even if everyone's memories about her and the other worlds have to be deleted and Lori need to be kept a secret, she'll come back to them and interact with them like before.

Then, everyone see her flying down in an elegant way, which is followed by everyone hug her (again), complete with triumphant, but mostly happy and emotional music.

Lori explains everyone what The Creator said, and after perhaps one or two comedic moments from the main kids, she hugs her husband and son greatly.

Gumball tells Rob that:

Gumball: "You know buddy, you never really meant to be the villain to be honest. And no one ever should force you to be that again."

He says the end of the sentence in a caring and genuine tone.

Rob smiles at this and gets on Lori's back, along with his dad.

Gumball: "Hey Lori, take a good care of your son, too."

Lori simply smiles gently and replies:

Loretta: "You'll bet I will."

And with that, they fly off to their rebuilt beach house home, which is isolated from the town at the seacoast. Rob gets off her back and gaze on his old family home once again, before entering in with them.

The next scene shows Rob entering his bedroom, to which he sighs in happiness and lays on the bed. Lori enters in, and says this:

Loretta: "Welcome home, son."

To which he hugs her, before laying back.

Loretta: "Have a good rest, you deserve it after this painful journey."

She says in a quiet and caring tone, before quietly leaving his room and closing the door.

Rob finally settles in his bed and drifts to sleep. He had finally, got the peace and love he always wanted, and deserved.

However, the film ends with a computer screen, and someone typing "Phase Two", foreshadowing a showdown for The Sequel Series. The film ends here, and the credits roll. 

And that's the second version of my story for The Movie and Bridge to The Sequel Series ("TAWOG: New Worlds" as I call it). To be honest, I enjoyed writing this a lot more than the first one. It definitely shares similarities with the first version while being more original and a little more royal to the Official Premise of the story. 

What do you guys think about it? Let me know below! Have a nice day. 

(For those who are curious about my videos about my TAWOG Headcanons and Idea content, check out my playlist: )

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