his gone part 2

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Scott's pov:
"His gone? What do you mean his gone" I shout through the phone. "How could you loose him theo" I'm to worried to realise just how bad theo is, how hard his shaking in terror, how frightened he is, I've completely forgotten that it's just as bad as it is for him as it is for me. And when I realise, its too late...his hung up.

Stiles pov:
Liams gone...again. and we already know who took him, it just what's gonna happen. We need to get him back before something bad happens. I cuddle into Derek, rubbing my temple thinking. We need to get him back, we need a plan to get our liam back.

Derek's pov:
His stressed, I know his stressed, I can tell by the look in his eyes, and his biting his nails. All I can do is cuddle him. My poor stiles, worried about liam. I move my hands up massaging his shoulders slightly as his head slightly rolls back. I start smiling softly knowing that I'm helping, even if it's just a little.

Isaacs pov:
Scott's upset, his angry, his scared, his an alpha who's lost there beta to a dangerous person. His upset that he yelled at theo when really, he should of comforted him. Its not theos fault, and theo surely feels like crap for it. I take Scott's hand into my own, bring it up and kissing the back of it. A small, worried, shaky smile shows, but I take it and smile softly back at him. "I love you" I whisper to the alpha infront of me, "I love you to* he mouths back.

Malias pov:
Liams missing. His gone. His been taken. I know he has. Is he gonna die? His he gonna be hurt? What are they gonna do to him? All this panicking is hurting my head. Why is my head hurting surely my brain thing should heal if its injured, I'm a were-coyote. I look at da- Peter worriedly, and he nodds back at me. I'm confused but I feel reassured, huh wierd.

Peters pov:
All this over a teenage boy. His a nice boy, don't get me wrong, but there not gonna kill him, not till he doesn't surf a purpose anymore. I know a villains mind, I've had one before. Liam valuable, so throwing him away would be useless. So there gonna keep him trapped, torture him here and there mabey, but not kill him. They just have to figure out where he is, they'd keep him somewhere isolated, but not easily found... so they just need to look into all those places right?

Lydias pov:
There not gonna kill him, but I feel pain and suffering. Enough to make me scream, god I just want to scream. The voices...there screaming, not all of them, but the majority of them are screaming and I want to scream aswell. But I can't, not here, not now. Everyone worried, you can tell. But standing around and being worried is not finding liam.

Theos pov:
It's all my fault...its my all my fault...it all my fault...that's all that's going through my mind, on repeat. How could I loose him. His in danger and its my fault. I should of never ran. I'm so sorry baby wolf. I will find him. I will cuddle him and give him lots of kisses. I miss him. In running, I look like a madman running through bushes and past trees nearly into them sniffing the air trying to catch his scent. I need to find him


Scott: it will be OK liam, we will safe you soon, don't panic, and please howl

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Scott: it will be OK liam, we will safe you soon, don't panic, and please howl... theos gone mental, I didn't help by yelling at him...God I just hope your safe pup


Malissa: don't worry Scott, he will be OK

Stiles: I'm worried and scared and stressed and I dont like it

Derek ^: do you need a massage baby?

Stiles^: yes please 🥺

Derek^: gimme 2 secs

Stiles^: OK

Malia: my head hurts

Peter^: your stressing to much that's why

Malia^: I don't like it

Isaac: don't worry scorty, he will be OK

Scott^: I hope so

Isaac^: his your beta, ofcoarse he will be

Theo: I'm scared... I want my baby wolf back

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