T or d

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Everyone arrives at Scott's place. "First we need to get drunk" malia stated. "Why" Theo asked everyone mumbled a yeah in agreement with what Theo said. " so when someone chooses truth there will be more likely to say the actual truth" malia replied to the others. Once everyone was drunk they sat in a circle ready to play.

"Scott truth or dare" malia asked. "Truth." "Do you have a crush on someone in the pack"
"Urmmm...I don't know...mabey...I think so... yes."
"Who" styles shouted across the room. "One question" Scott laughed.
Theo truth or dare
Who is beswick.
Beswick was a guy I dated but I broke up with him because he was crazy. He locked me up in his attic and fed me a bunch of wolfspaine. He said I was his forever. I told him that he was crazy. So he hit me around the head with a glass bottle. I told him I that I don't like being in this abusive relationship anymore and that I'm not afraid of him. He then said that he will take and kill the next person I love.
"I'm so sorry" Liam said. Everyone agreed with him.
A bunch more questions were asked then people started To go home.
Liam arrived home to see two suitcases And a rucksack.
"Hey are we going somewhere" Liam questioned.
"We aren't but you are" liams parents replied.
"What...what do you mean" Liam asked with tears in his eyes.
" you are going to you aunts in California"
"No" Liam whispered.
"Baby boy we love you we really do but it's just.."
Liam knocked of some things and grabbed the suitcases and rucksack and left.
He ran all the way to the forest and set up a little tent made from blankets. 'I deserve this.' Loam thought. He closed his eyes and fell into unconsciousness.

So that happened. Poor Liam this is going to be how he lives for a couple of days. I hope you have been enjoying this so far.
357 words

I love him- a thiam storyWhere stories live. Discover now