fuck it

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Theos pov:

It's been nearly 3 weeks since he went missing... I havnt slept, ate, drank, I'd probably be in the hospital if it wasn't for my werewolf healing powers, all though I'm too tired to fully shift, and I have barely any energy, I keep glitching so I've decided to stay home. Our home, everywhere I look, I just need him home, with me. I've downed alcohol after alcohol and a good few shots of wolfspain. I've even tried drugs but fucking healing powers get in the way and wolfspain does fuck all with drugs. I havnt seen the pack for about 2 weeks now. I'm currently scrolling through his Instagram, crying. I fucking hate this I need him.

I can't find him though.

There is one way I know how to get him back.

But I can't do that can I?

His probably getting tortured as I think.

Fuck it I need him safe.

I picked up my phone...

I text him.

07123 456 789 is now chatting with theo 😈

Theo😈- I'll do it

Unknown- k

Theo😈- you have 2 hours to give him back safe

Unknown- I don't think you in a position to boss me about mate, you'll do what I asked?

Theo😈- yes for fucks sake

Unknown- I was just making sure jeez

I put my phone down and started cleaning up, after that I hoped in the shower. Soon it was time to meet uo so I went over to the hospital and waited.


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