Survival 101

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Yn's POV:

(Day 5)

To survive a hundred days here, I needed to find myself a base of operations, especially since I plan to kill a lot of players.

With a base, I can gather the resources to make powerful weapons.

Creating a base does create a risk. If I'm not careful, someone could find it and lay a trap for me.

They could also steal from me. If I had a team, a few could stay in the base to gather items to make the gear while the others ventured out.

But I don't have that, so instead, I'm going to make this nifty item called a player detector.

It's a stationary object that will tell you if someones is near in a certain range.

That item is also the reason why many won't bury themselves in a hole in the middle of nowhere.

Eventually, they'd be found.

To avoid getting my base discovered, I'll have to only enter it sparingly.

Anyway, I'm getting off track. I need a player detector, but to make one I need a few materials.

I could go mining, but I'm in a "fuck it" phase in life. So instead, I'm going to borrow some supplies.

Not too long ago, I discovered some roleplayers making a tent camp in the forest.

They were trying to terraform the land. They were probably going to make a castle or some crap.

I didn't really care what they were doing, just what they were doing it with.

From afar, I began scouting them. I say there were three, from what I could see.

Slowly, I snuck towards the camp.

(Opening theme)

Holding back the urge to sing "Crawling through-something something...♪" I enter one of the tents.

With my hood on, I turn on that assassin's creed stealth skills of mine, whilst I began to loot the crate-filled room.

I struck out with this tent, there was nothing of value. Only building materials.

Yn:(mumbles) There has to be something more to this...

The reason I chose this tent was that this was the one they most frequently visited.

If I was a betting man, I'd bet 5 dollars that there was a secret in here.

There was at least one way of finding out.

If I climbed up onto the highly stacked crates, I might be able to spy what secrets they have or perhaps drop death from above.

Climbing up onto the highest crate, I layed and wait for someone to come.

After what felt like hours, a female arrived.

Girl: Stone... Stone...

I wanted to have fun, so I took a risk and fell on top of her.


I hurt myself, but now I've got her pinned.

Yn: Scream, and die. Now, where are all of your valuable materials?

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