Genocide 101

303 19 3

Yn's POV:

Bombing the peace summit caused the death of many players, leaders in fact.

At probably they're second in commands as well.

This created a power vacuum in every faction left standing. The groups that were friends stayed together, but those made up of strangers tore themselves apart.

Thanks to my little typing in the chat, I've confused people about my survival.

I used that to help me destroy everyone I came across on this server which was currently in quite the chaotic state.

But all power vacuums suck up a new leader.

"Misterballs".... yep, that's their name... He's the new leader of the last faction on the server.

To defeat him, I needed a base. One that I didn't blow up.

So I constructed a small fortress on a tiny island near the coast of the mainland.

I wasn't hiding it. The fortress was out in the open, as a sign saying, "come at me, bro!".

But of course, I'm not just going to wait. I needed to make sure I had the attention of everyone to make this plan of mine as efficient as possible.

It was time to commit mass genocide throughout the server.

Let me tell you how to do that.

(Opening theme)

(Day 46)

Step one, locate the other players.


Find a nest, give it a bear.

In this case, via a plane I borrowed, I located a base 10 kilometers from my fort.

It seemed empty, so I crashed it into the base.

Of course, injecting before it hit.

With a hole inside, I began ravishing the resources of the place.

Player: Hey-

There was one guy.



There was no guy.

I left a sign saying "Sorry, I knocked a bit too hard -Yn".

Leaving, I went off to go do the next step.

Step 2, make traps, put them everywhere.

While the bees regroup and prepare to sting you, it's good to put traps for the lone rats.

Put traps at old bases. Make fake bases that are traped.

Do that...

"Sinj56 got greedy"

"Bebit#in44 landed on the moon"

"Cantbekilled was crushed by a rock"

"Hottell96 met a bitter end"

And you get the point.

(Bang, bang, bang)


As I was in the process of trying to achieve steps 3 to I haven't thought that far ahead I was attacked by a small task force trying to kill me.

So I did the only sensible thing and ran away.

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