Chapter 6: An upcoming threat

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Flying through the city we see Y/n flying through and having his back while he is facing up to the sky and looks at the clear blue skies while he flies his way to UA academy for another day of school.

Y/n: (thought) This planet is one of the best planets I've ever been. There is many things I've learned about and help so many people whioe being here. I met many hero's as well including pro hero's as well and they were all cool.i even met Mt. Lady and her friends and I gotten along very well with them, even Mt. Lady was very kind to me and very sweet to me. Man being here is the best.

He turns his body to force on flying to UA academy but a thought came through his head which he question himself.

Y/n: (thought) I met all the hero's and the humans I haven't met what they call "Villains." Who are they? Eraser told me they use their quirk to do bad things and do criminal acts to either get money or what he calls "Do what ever the hell they want." But I know not all Villains ain't all bad, I'm sure some are really cool quirk users that were mistaken to be Villains. Maybe I can met one and tell me why people call him a villain, I'm sure they would understand.

He arrive at UA academy and look down to see a crowd of people waiting at the front gates with microphones and cameras aiming at the school.

Y/n: Hmm wonder what's going on?

They were asking each student different question but they just give them some ans just walk off.

Female reporter: (sigh) I don't understand why they can't just give us some answers.

Male camera: Yeah we're losing time here.

She turns to her camera man and told him.

Female reporter: No way we're not leaving here! Not until we find some answers about All Might!

Y/n: What about All Might?

She jump back in a fright and turn to see Y/n and she ignore the fact he just appear out of nowhere and asked.

Female reporter: You there, are you a student here?

Y/n: Yeah, I am. Are you guys teachers or fans?

Female reporter: We wants to know about All Might and his reasoning of being a teacher at UA academy?

Y/n: All Might being a teacher in UA?

Female reporter: That's right! All Might just officially said that he will be teaching the students at UA academy and we want some answers.

Y/n: ???

Female reporter: Um are you still I there kid?

Y/n: (smile) Oh right I remember now! I heard that news about that but never know you humans will take it seriously. My bad.

Female reporter: So will you answer us questions?

Y/n: (smile) Of course I love talking to humans so to start off I think All Might teaching in this class is grea-

Then a scuff raps around Y/n and behind him was Eraser head who said to Y/n.

Eraser: Sorry but my student is late for his class. Come on Y/n.

Y/n: Wait what about-?

But he drags him inside while Eraser told him.

Eraser: It's best to not give them your answers.

Y/n: Why? They're just curious and want to ask some questions?

Eraser: I know but sometimes Hero's need some privacy and it's best to respect it that way.

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