Chapter 15: Fame? It doesn't matter (Lemon)

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We see Kiyposhi sat down and waiting for the next match which he spent time by texting his father about the match and how it went which he smiled a bit when his father sent him a funny text. He laughs a bit and then someone apoorches him which he look over to see Y/n as he walk up to him.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Kiyposhi.

Kiyposhi: (smile) Yo. You here to watch the next match?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Izuku is facing off with Hitoshi soon. Can't wait to see how that turns out.

Kiyposhi: (smile) That would be interesting to see.

Y/n sat down next to him as the two were slient for a bit and then Y/n decided to start a conversation by asking Kiyposhi.

Y/n: So Kiyposhi, how did you get into U.A?

Kiyposhi: Let's just say my father made some deals with the principal and told them about my skills, my intelligence and everything else.

Y/n: So is your father rich?

Kiyposhi: (smile) Yep. He's the CEO of a company that makes suits for police officers that can help them stand a chance against any villains. He also made a special type od suit for me so I can be a hero and be able to attend U.A.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow that's cool!

Kiyposhi: (smile) Yep. I'm very intelligent and managed to pass all the test which surprised many teachers.

Y/n: (smile) That's neat. Say have you got some problems being the only student without a quirk?

Kiyposhi: Same but some of my class mates support me but I really don't listen to all the bullying.

Y/n: Yeah, you know Izuku also have problems before he had his quirk.

Kiyposhi: Everyone who doesn't have quirks have many problems with those who have. That's how corrupt heroes are born.

Y/n: Corrupt heroes?

Kiyposhi: (sigh) Well you see quirks are powers that can allow anyone to do whatever they want. There are villains that abuse their quirks for evil while there is heroes that use these quirks for good but there are some heroes that also uses quirks for their own selfish desires.

Y/n: I actually understand your reason. There is some heroes that even wants to be the best and even by mean abusing their own sons or daughters to be number one.

Kiyposhi: That's right. For example that explosion student.

Y/n: You mean Katsuki?

Kiyposhi: Correct. Disbite wanted to be a hero but not only his quirks is making things blow up but he has an aggressive attitude that sounded like a villain then a hero. Still it's not just their aggressive nature or the abuse they put apon onto their children, but it's actually fame that drives them to be corrupt. There is millions of Pro heroes across the world right now and some may do heroic things just for good but some just done it for fame and will do anything for fame, even by means making disasters happen. I'm not saying quirks is the one to be blamed but rather it's those who uses it that should be blamed for it.

Y/n: Wow I can understand why. If someone has quirks that is powerful, he or she will do anything for fame.

Kiyposhi: Yeah. Tell me Y/n, will you ever abuse your quirk for fame and glory?

Y/n: Absolutely not! I fight for the people and this planet. I have a duty to show light to the people and never use my quirk for evil or selfish.

Kiyposhi: (smile) I like you. I can tell your serious of being a hero and that's something I like about you. No matter uoe much money they offer you or how many cameras they shine on you, you'll never be corrupt because your heart is strong and filled with justice. Oh, looks like the match is starting.

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