Chapter 3

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Milas POV

I was standing at the top of the steps trying to hear what she was saying.... But all I heard was Jack ask her what her name was and then her start asking him a bunch of stuff.... Yeah I am sure your thinking why dont I just go down there and get her so she dont tell them, but she is a very smart girl for her age she is smarter then me some times.... And I know that if she tells them her full name then it happend for  a reason.... I would have stayed down there but it hurt to see him with her and I dont know why I hooked up with the kid once when I was drunk, This feeling is crazy and wont go away... Maybe I could us Sam to get over him.... 

Nates POV

I was sitting here with my girlfriend Tara when Jack asked what Avas name was I only know her first name thanks to twitter Mila never put her full name on there it was kinda like she was hiding something... But the one thing that I have been asking myself since I found out about Ava and the fact that she could be mine is what my life would be like... And if I am really ready to be a dad I mean shit I go out every other night and get drunk and hook up with girls shit I have cheated on Tara more times then I can count, I lost count after 10... Like she is a really sweet girl but she isnt for me and she told me if I broke up with her she would kill her self.... Ive been in love with one girl for the past 2 almost 3 years and I only knew her name...  I saw the hurt in her eyes when she opend the door but could she really feel the same.... 

Avas POV

Ok well Jack my name is Ava Grace Andrews and I will have to spell my last name for you because I cant say it yet.... 

Ok spell it little one....

Its M-A-L-O-L-E-Y.... Im sure you can put that together.....

Ava I think you should go upstaris..... Zoey


Because I said..... Zoey

Milas POV

She did she told them, I walked downstairs when I heard Zoey yelling.... When I walked in the living room there was Nate looking at her and then back to me... I'm not sure what was going thru his head but it didnt look good, Is he mad i gave her his last name or becasue I didnt tell him....

Zoey who the fuck are you to yell at my baby?


Thats what I thought now I dont give two fucks if your my cousin or not the only person that is aloud to yell at my kid is me because she is mine.... So if you wanna yell at kids have your own....

I'm sorry...

Bitch you know damn well you aint, and the next time I see you put your hand on my kid like you did this afternoon when you didnt think I was looking I will break you... Understand?


Now Ava Grace go upstaris and get your bag cuz we are not staying here any more....

Yes mama...

Where are you ganna go Mila huh? You aint got anywhere to go you ganna go hoe around some more like you did the night that Ava was made.... Zoey.

Really me a hoe it was the first time I  had sex bitch, you know what fuck this shit....

Next thing I knew I had the bitch by her hair hitting her in the face over and over again intill I felt someone pull me off.... When I turned around it was Sammy...

Do you really want your little girl to see this, Go upstaris and get your stuff you two can stay with me at my house ......

 A/N: Ok guys I hope you liked this chapter, Please Vote and Comment.... I would also like to try something that I have never done before called Ask the Writter.... I know I have been asked a few questions over message.... But this gives you guys a chance to ask me anything you want just leave A question in the Comments and I will anwser them within the next chapter.... Thanks so much for all the love you guys show it means alot and I might even be doing a shout out in the up comeing chapters for the people who Vote I will be picking a new person each Chapter.... Also if you have any ideas for up comeing chapters let me Know you can post them in the comments or message me :)

Love you all 


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