Chapter 12

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Sammys POV

So here I sit talking to the mother of my child, I still cant believe that i am a father... But I want to be there for my son... SO right now Kayla is telling me all about him....

So what did you name him?

His name is Izaya Andrews Wilkinson...

You gave him my last name?

Yes it parents were really mad at me for it but I knew in my heart that if you knew about him that you would have wanted him to have your last name.....

How did you pick his first and middle name?

Well I remebered back to when we started dating and you told me that if we ever had kids that you wanted are first son to be named Izaya Andrews.... 

How did you remember that?

Sammy I remember alot of things that most people wouldnt... 

Ok so how old is he?

He will be 3 in 2 months....

Did you tell him about me?

Sammy he is 3 but I tell him that his daddy loves him very much..... 

And my Aunt just texted me and told me she will be here in 2 mins.... Sammy I need to know for sure before He meets you that this is what you want.... Because he is 3 he wont understand why he gets to meet you and then never see you again....

I want to be there for the both of you.... Where are you guys going to live since I know your parents wont let you move back?

We will be staying with my aunt....

No no you will be staying here both of you...

Are you sure....


We stoped talking when someone knocked on the door Kayla said she would get it... And then I heard alittle voice say...

Mama, Aunt Sarah said that I was going to meet my daddy today.....

Yes love you are...

 Well where is he mom I have been waiting for a long time.... But he isnt ganna hurt my like grandpa did is he...

No sweetheart he wont and lets not talk about that again...

What kind of man could hurt there own grandson....

Daddy... Are you my daddy?

Yes little guy I am....

 Well its really nice to meet you mommy talks about you alot more since we left the mean peoples house... The mean man I called grandpa used to hit mommy when she would talk about you...He said you were only going to hurt us... I dont wanna be hurt anymore....

Buddy I will never ever hurt you or your mommy ever and I wont let anyone else hurt you guys....

 I love you daddy...

I love you too buddy...

How could this have happend not only was he hurting my baby boy he was hurting her..... That man is going to pay for what he has done.....

Taylors POV

I cant believe I asked her Matt will be mad because he wanted to be there when I asked her....But I couldnt wait any longer.....

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