Chapter 5

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Please Read the A/N at the end becuase I might be stopping this story....

Sammys POV

I'm kinda scared for her to tell me because her best friend is my little sister who lives in Ohio with are father, and I know all the shit that she got into and it wasnt good.... And my sister Stacy said that she had a crime buddy for everything she did but took the blame because the girl couldnt get it trouble I'm pretty sure I know who she was talking about now....

Milas POV

How to you tell someone about the past your trying to run away from.... How do you tell someone that you had to leave becuase you and your best friend pissed some really bad people off... And your mom packed up her whole life and moved just so Me and her grandchild could be safe....

We pulled up to Sammys house and this lady opened the front door, I think it was his mom but I'm not sure.... I got out and took my sleeping child out of her seat and held her while Sammy got are bags....

Sam started to walk to the door and I  followed like a lost puppy.....Thats when

Hey mom, this is my friend Mila and her little girl Ava they are going to be staying here for a while because she just beat the shit out of Zoey who is her cousin and thats where they were staying till there house is ready... They just moved from Ohio.... This is Stacys best friend...

Ok, thats fine I made dinner

How the hell did he know stacy? This is just a little to odd for my likeing, If he knows Stacy does he know about why I am really here? I guess there is only one way for me to find out..... I will have to ask him....

Sammy lead me to a room and told me Ava could sleep in here and I layed her on the bed and walked out closing the door following him down a long hallway and stopping at a door...

So this is my room... And I think its time we talk.....


I walked in and sat on his bed and he sat next to me.... 

Ok so talk....

Well first I want to know how you know Stacy is my best friend because Zoey doesnt even know that? 

Stacy is my little sister who lives with are father...

Such a small world.... 

Yeah it is now tell me why you are really out here...

Ok, Me and Stacy were walking home from school about 6 months ago and we over heard some shit that we shouldnt have well the people found out we heard and we had to do some really bad stuff because they wanted to make sure we wouldnt tell on them.... I'm sure you being her big brother that she went to Jail but was let go because they had no way to prove that she did anything wrong in court..... 

Yeah I know that part but I was never told what they thought she did....

Well it wasnt what she did it was what I did she took the blame because she knew if she said I was there they would take Ava, and she is like an Aunt to Ava always has been she even calls her Aunt Stacy, and Stacy was ready to spend the next 10 years in jail just so I didnt lose my little girl.... But If I tell you what  I did, you cant tell anyone not even your mom....

Ok I wont tell anyone but your really scareing me right now...

Well they wanted us to go get there Drug money... So we get there and go in side to meet the guy and he pulled a gun on Stacy... I wasnt going to watch my best friend get shot in front of me so I pulled out the gun that was my brothers and I shot  the guy... I didnt think it was a kill shot but it was, I used to go shooting with my older brother before he died.... But now this is something that we will never talk about again it was something that me and Stacy said we would take to are graves.... But I told you becuase I trust you and if you ever think about telling someone I will have to kill you..... 

I got it so are you ready for dinner?

Yeah lets eat...

A/N: Ok guys, I am really upset about this message I woke up to this morning... I will not be saying the persons name becuase I try not to be mean... The message said "I love how you think your a real fan of the guys when you have only been following them on Twitter and buying there music since the start of this year, when other people have been there since to start and you dont know anything about them & you suck at writting anyway so you should just stop writting....

I am very hurt by this, Yes I havent been a fan since the start but I have watched and read everything that has to do with the guys online... Yes there are things I may not know but that doesnt mean you need to be mean to me... There was more to the message but It was was alot worse.... 

So what I am asking you guys is Do you guys think I am a bad writter? because I have been really upset about this, I thought I was a good writter but I guess I was wrong... 

Really thinking about stopping this story...

Much Love!!!!


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