Generations: A Broken Prophesy Story Chapter 2: Choices

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This is a fanfic and I make no money from this. Original copyrights belong to Dreamworks and Cresedia Cowell

“Star!!!  Star, Star, Star!”  The shrill cry of excitement pierces the young dragon’s ears.  Slowly looking at the scurrying child, lunging and hugging his thick foreleg.  “Missed Star!!!”

A feminine laugh follows closely behind.  Camikazi waddles through the throng of celebrants, tossing the long plait of golden hair over her shoulder.  “That was a good match, you two.  Now come away Pyke, yur’ Da’ just got back to the table with yur’ dinner.”  The child of five looks back to the largest table, Stoick and Valka sitting on one side, her father Thuggery on the other, a large helping of boar and fruit sat in front of him.  “Food!!!   Food, food food!!!”  The excitable girl runs off to rejoin her father.  Cami chuckles and rubs the very obvious bulge beneath her gown.  Star looks with concern to his friend.  “I’m glad ta’ be home.  I’m gettin’ too big ta’ keep flying out to tha’ Burglar Islands.”  She looks the worry clearly written on his face,  “Oh, tis’ nothin.  I just don’ remember being this big when I was carryin’ Pyke.  Just another month and I’ll be holdin’ this one in my arms.”  She caresses her swollen belly with a wistful smile.

The black dragon gives a gentle ‘coo’ before tipping a wing.  Cami looks at him for a moment feeling torn, but eventually relents and eases herself onto his back.  With gentle care belying his size, the Shadewing smoothly returns her to her table.  Thuggery helping her down when they arrive, “How are ya’ Chaser?  I dinna’ see yur’ family?  Everythin’ alrigh’?”

Looking around, the blue-eyed dragon is confused by the lack of his family.  His father had never missed an opportunity to enjoy a hot meal, his mother was always vocal in her pride in any of her children’s accomplishments. Amber would surely have had some suggestions about his tactics during the game, and Jade would be more than eager to give him an earful about his treatment of the sheep, but to his surprise there was a distinct silence from the dragon oriented tables.  Instead, he can clearly hear Ruff-Tuff complaining to Vomi-Mita about the lack of fire and explosions.

“Ah!!!  There are my lads!!”  The booming voice of Stoick the Vast calls out.  Magnus, Star…  Good game ya’ two.  Magnus?  Are ya’ sure yur’ ok?  That ram gave ya’ a good hit.”  The massive figure places one of his huge hands on Magnus’ shoulder while the other combs through the grey streaked red beard.

“I’ll be fine Da’  Just knocked the wind out o’ me.  It could’a been a lot worse if Star wasna’ there.”

The sleek black dragon bows his head.  Protecting his best friend, and family just comes naturally, he didn’t want or need recognition for it.  Feeling his Grandfather’s massive hand rest gently on his neck.  “Aye…  Ya’ did good lad.”  The Berkian chief looks around, noticing for the first time the distinct lack of Shadewings.  “Hmm…  Wonder where yur’ family’s at.  Not like Tannlaus ta’ miss a celebration.”

Star nods his head toward the main doors with a coo.

“Aye…  Go on then.  Find yur’ family…”  With a laugh, “Odds are, with all tha’ food and drink, no one will notice yur gone.”

Chaser nods, knowing it isn’t a slight against him, or any of the other dragons.  The people of Berk don’t do things by halves, and the cause for any celebration quickly becomes forgotten during the revelries.  With a quick nuzzle, the ebony dragon slips through the crush of people and makes good his escape.

Once out of the Great Hall he leaps into the air, assisted by the pump of powerful wings, he takes his place in the calm skies.  The rush of wind over his head fills his ears with a comforting roar.  Climbing higher and higher, he quickly leaves the village far below.  Tucking his wings, he sends himself into a spiral, and with practiced ease he times his wingbeats to disturb his dizzying ascent as little as possible.  Flaring his wings out, he stops his climb and hangs weightless for just a moment before doubling back and diving toward the sea’s surface.  Over the roar of the wind, the tell-tale whine of a Shadewing’s dive whistles out, bringing a grin to the young dragon’s face.

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