Chapter 27

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    Valka is the first to reach the massive block of ice.  The force of its formation had tossed Nyota and Kari away, with both dragons staggering back to their feet.  The purple glow of Kari’s soulfire flickers in the wake of seeing her now-human child encased in the tomb of blue-white ice.  Nyota blinks, her mind finally clear of the alpha’s influence.

    Valka pounds her fist against the slab of ice.  “Oh no…  No!”  The loss of Stoick, and now her youngest grandchild drops the woman to her knees.  “No…  Chaser, no…”  Her fists drum futilely against the ice.  She looks up from her knees, watching as Thuggery begins slamming his own massive fists against it.  Chips break away, under the force of his blows, but too small and too few to make any difference.

    Kari and Nyota, shaken by the sudden loss of their respective mates, each launch themselves at the massive slab.  Kari’s purple glow grows faint, and would have gone out in her grief if not for the sudden flare of purple coming from the young female beside her.

    Valka's hand and head rest against the cold and wet surface, when something catches her attention. It starts so quietly at first, she can’t believe what she is hearing.  But slowly the whine, the whistle of a charging Shadewing begins to drown out Drago’s maniacal laughter.  Valka looks up, from the heart of the massive block of ice a glow begins to form.  It starts as dim as the whine was quiet, but in seconds it glows with a brilliance to challenge the sun above.  Thuggery’s bloody fists take hold of her arms and drags her away from the glowing tomb of ice.  The whine reaches a fever pitch that makes the trio of vikings cover their ears.

    The explosion of fire and ice is deafening.  Shards of ice launch themselves through the air, bouncing off homes and wooden structures with enough force to leave dings and dents in the wood.  The force of the blast sends Drago sprawling to the ground, as though Hel and Thor struck down the structure of ice themselves.  Within the heart of the resulting crater stands a pair of sleek black dragons, each glowing with an inner fire capable of dwarfing the heart of a volcano itself.  The larger green eyed dragon looks over the smaller, ‘Star?’

    ‘Hi Dad.’  The younger blue-eyed dragon shakes his body and stretches his long missing wings.

    “That’s not possible!”  The stunned disbelief was clear in Drago’s voice.  The struggling Night Furies pair off.    He heard tales, from Eret’s men, about how the female had an unholy glow about her as she struggled against his Alpha, but he didn’t believe it.  Not until now…  Now he had not one, but four of the daemons standing before him.  The larger males each glow with an inner blue fire, and the slightly smaller females with their own purple.  “Command them!  Control them!”  Drago shouts as he runs toward his titan.

    The alpha’s eyes narrow, the spines on his face thrum and rattle, ‘SUBMIT’ it commands.  Only to stare confused by the smaller dragon's defiance.  ‘MINE!!’  The giant demands.

    The unified roar, the four answer as one, ‘NO!’  Taking advantage of the confused child-like dragon.  Kari sends out a blast of purple-blue plasma striking the titan square between the eyes.

    With eyes filled with unshed tears, Kari leaps onto an outcropping of ice.  ‘NEVER…  NEVER AGAIN!!!’  The combination of rage, and despair consumes her.  This titan finally broke the fragile peace she had built up in her mind.  One time too many, her mind had been taken from her, her will subverted to another’s whims.  ‘NEVER AGAIN!!!’  

Tannlaus leaps onto a neighboring spike of ice, his blasts joining hers.  Wordlessly the pair strike time and time again, each twinned blast striking the same place as though the two dragons were a single force of nature.

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