Chapter 28

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    Standing on the ridge overlooking the inland cove, Chaser watches as the last rays of sunlight sink below the horizon.  ‘When do we leave?’  The voice of his father startles the younger dragon from his thoughts.

    Turning his sapphire eyes towards the approaching trio of Shadewings, Chaser shakes his head.  ‘I’ve been thinking…  Dad, you come with me.  Mom, Nyota…  You two need to stay here.’

    ‘What?!’  Kari looks stunned.  ‘What could possibly make you think that we aren’t coming with you?’

‘Mom…  Both you and Nyota are carrying eggs.  Neither of you are in any condition to fight.’

‘Now listen here, little man!  I’m in the best shape of my life.  My fire is stronger and hotter than yours…’

‘And both you and Nyota were winded after trying to call down lightning.’  Chaser interrupts.  ‘I’m sorry, but it is true.  Even the flight here from Nyota’s homelands left her more tired than she should have been.’

Tannlaus reaches out with his wing, touching his lifemate gently, ‘I’m afraid I have to agree with Chaser.  If you weren’t with eggs, I’d gratefully have you at my side, but…’

‘But we are nothing but brood mares,’ Kari snaps.

‘We never said that.  But your bodies are shifting into state to make nurturing and passing those eggs easier.  You know this to be true.’  Tannlaus stares down Kari, until finally she relents.

‘Fine…  Then you leave me no choice…’  Shifting she settles her gaze on her youngest, ‘When you finally hatch those eggs of yours, I hope at least one of them turns out ten times worse than you!’  She pokes Chaser with the tip of her claw.  ‘Come, Nyota.  Let’s see if we can find our way safely down into the cove, because we are so fragile.’

Nyota tosses her mate a look filled with conflicting emotions.  In one glance Chaser can see how angry she is at being coddled, and yet still proud at how he seeks to protect her against the world.  Without another word, she joins the larger female to glide down into the protected cove.

‘Come, Son.  We have an armada to sink.’  Tannlaus says, shaking his head at Kari’s behavior.  Then with the pump of powerful wings, he leaps into the evening sky, followed by Chaser.  Both dragons turn south, and toward the heart of Berk.


‘But Mom!!!  They need me!!’  The young orange Flametounge whines to his mother.

‘They need the flame of an adult dragon…’

“I am an adult!’  Spark cries, his voice cracking in emotion.  ‘I helped bring them here, I’m strong enough…’ 

    Kari tips her head, a flash of recognition in her eyes, ‘You were at Ice-nest…’

    Spark puffs up his chest as the elder Shadewing addresses him.  ‘My sisters and I, yes.’

    ‘Then that makes you a very brave and powerful dragon.’  Kari leaned conspiratorially, ‘But between you and me…  If something goes wrong, then this place is going to need dragons just like you to defend it from those hunters.’

    Spark pauses to mull over the older dragon’s observation.  Then slowly nodding, ‘You’re right…’  His gaze falls on his sleeping sisters, and the worried expression on his mother’s face.  ‘I’ll…  I’ll go stand watch!’  His grin grows as he sees his mother’s subtle nod.  He looks around, and spies a large boulder on the overlook above the cove.  With an excited flurry, the young dragon flies and lands on his new perch.  With a growl, he fights back a yawn.  Then barely 5 minutes after landing his head slowly droops until his vision is filled with dreams of adventure and excitement.

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