Chapter 25

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Chaser peers through the darkness.  Locked in the small fishing boat’s hold with Gobber, Bucket, Mulch, and his grandparents, the young man can barely make out their shapes in the murk.

“I hope ya’ know what yur’ doin’ Valka.”  Gobber mutters, the worry clear in his voice.

“What would ya’ have us do?  Ya’ saw the size o’ tha’ armada.  Without all o’ the dragons we woldna’ stand a chance,” Valka snaps back in a hushed whisper.

“She’s right, Gobber.”  With a heavy sigh Stoick affirms his wife's decision.  “Gods above, I had no idea we’d run inta’ anythin’ like this.”

Pressing his eye to a crack in the hold’s cover, Chaser peers up onto the deck of the ship, but with his view so severely restricted he can’t see or hear either of the twins, nor Nyota.  With a grunt of frustration, he sits heavily on the bottom step.  “That man mentioned someone called Drago…  Any idea who he was talking about?”

“Aye…”  Stoick shuffles around in the dark, finally coming to sit next to his grandson.  “I had the misfortune o’ meeting Drago Bludvist long, long ago.  Years ago, there was a great gathering of chieftains to discuss the dragon scourge we faced. Into our midst came a stranger from a strange land, covered in a cloak made of dragon skin. He carried no weapon and spoke softly, saying that he, Drago Bludvist, was a man of the people, devoted to freeing mankind from the tyranny of dragons. He claimed that he alone could control the dragons and that he alone could keep us safe, if we chose to bow down and follow him”.  Hearing Bucket chuckle quietly,  “... Aye, we laughed, too. Until he wrapped himself in his cloak and cried out, 'then see how well you do without me!'. The rooftop suddenly burst into flames, and from it, armored dragons descended, burning the hall to the ground. I...was the only escape.”

Valka is next to interject.  “Stoick!!  I had no idea.”

“No you wouldna’ known.  It was years after you were taken, luckily Hiccup was still too young ta’ come with me.”

“From yur’ description, it woulda’ been right after I ran inta’ him.  He killed Tannlaus’ mother and took her wing for a trophy when I met him.  Up until then, I had only dealings with his trappers.”

“So…  What do we do?”  Chaser’s whispers.  His grandparents each take turns hugging the young man, offering silent support.

“We are bein’ taken inta’ the heart o’ the fleet.  If yur parents are anywhere, it’ll be there,’ Stoick offers.

“We’ll try ta’ find them, and the others, an’ free them all.”  Valka confirms.  “For now, we just wait.”


The small ship lurches with an ominous finality.  “We’ve stopped.”  Mulch confirms.  When the hatch opens, daylight streams into the small hold, making its occupants squint from the painful brightness.  A cold chill rushed in to fill the heart of the ship, dispelling any warmth the sexet had found.  

The man known as Eret calls down, “Alright!  We are here.  Come out, one at a time and make no sudden moves.”  

Chaser climbs the stairs first, desperate to check on his mate and friends.  Ruff-Tuff lies on the deck, insensate from the shocking number of red feathered darts in their necks.  Nyota lies beside them, atop a wooden pallet, with heavy leather bands hobbling her wings and a matching band clamping her maw shut.  Rushing forward, Chaser reaches out, his hand just touching her before he receives a sudden kick to the side, knocking him to the ground.  Leaping back to his feet, he seethes at the leader of the trappers.

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