Chapter 5: Introductions

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The storm carried on throughout the night.  Flashes of lightning and the crack of thunder punctuated the silence of the small cave.  Amber and Chaser had wrapped themselves protectively around Jade, to help keep her warm against the occasional wind that whipped its way into the shallow chasm.  Umeme, Radi and Nyota had likewise found enough room to each curl up comfortably.  

Long after the sun had set, Umeme wandered to the mouth of the cave.  Gazing into the dark skies, he watches the clouds slowly breaking up.  The worst of the storm having passed, stars were just beginning to peek through the blanket of clouds.  The crunch of pebbles underfoot catches his attention.  Turning he is surprised to see the golden-eyed dragoness take a place beside him.

“What are you thinking?”

“Hmm…  I had only heard stories of dragons that could call upon Soulfire…”  The older male glances back at the sleeping forms of his companions and the pile that is her family.

“You mean the ‘glow’?  Mother had done that a lot when we were younger.  When we were in danger and she was protecting us.  I’ve never seen Chaser do it before, but that was nothing as impressive as Mom’s.  She could light up the sky if she really tried.”

“We need to take him to the pack elder.”

“We aren't going anywhere until Jade can fly.  She lost a good bit of blood, and the arrow tore some of the muscles in her wing.”  Her belly grumbles quietly.  “We haven't even had a chance to get food, and she will be starving when she wakes.”  Standing Amber glances into the dark skies, sniffing as she steps out onto the muddy ground outside the cave.  “How is the fishing around here?”


“Fishing?  I…  I don’t really know.”

Tilting her head, she openly gapes at the male beside her, “You don’t fish for food?”

“No.  It is too much effort for too little reward.  We can feed half the pack with one or two of the local beasts from the mainland, when we catch them.”  

“Hmm.”  Amber puzzles for a minute before turning back into the cave.  Her hurried movements bring a grunt of surprise and grumble of complaint from her siblings before she returns with a dark wadded up shape in her maw.  “Jade, bless her, thought ahead and packed a small net.”  On the ground, she rolls out the net, one small enough for a single dragon to use, “It should be large enough to feed all of us…  If you can help me use it.”

Cocking his head in curiosity, “How does this catch fish?”

Smiling, Amber quickly explains how they are going to feed themselves.


The cave entrance, facing to the west, is dark and cool for the majority of the morning.  A breeze brings the smell of fresh fish inside waking Chaser.  Carefully unentangling himself from his sister, he joins Amber and Umeme outside.  He winces slightly as he stretches his wings, bringing a look of concern from his sister.  “It’s okay.  They feel sore, but not damaged.  I think a couple days of rest and I’ll be good as new.”  He offers a gentle flap to illustrate his point.  Looking at the bounty piled on the ground before him, Chaser grins.  “You did real well.  Bucket and Mulch would be jealous.”

Radi follows Nyota and joins the others outside.  With a tip of his head, “May I take a couple inside to Jade?  She was just beginning to wake.”

“Please do.”  Amber grins as the young male nuzzles through the pile.  “Take that striped one, it looks a lot like her favorite.”

Radi looks up, assorted fish hanging from his toothless maw.  “Hank oo,” he manages to mumble out without dropping any.  Happily he prances back into the cave as Amber chuckles.

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