Chapter 24

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    With occasional rest breaks, the twins had managed to shave days off the ship's sailing time.  So it was some time after dawn, off in the distance, the large mass of Ice-nest began to peek up over the horizon.  Nyota lands lightly on the deck of the Viking ship.

    “How was your flight?”  Chaser calls from his perch near the top of the mast.  Before she can chastise him for climbing so high, he scurries down to face her.

    ‘Chaser!  What if you fell?!  I was nowhere near enough to catch you!  You are a two-leg now, not a dragon and definitely not one of those…  Bushy-tailed tree-rats from your home!’

    Chaser frowns as he tries to figure out what his mate was talking about.  “Bushy-tailed…  Oh!!  You mean a squirrel.  Those tree-rats are called squirrels.”  He says with a laugh in his voice.

    ‘This isn’t funny…’  Nyota pouts, ‘I take a few minutes to stretch my wings and catch some fish, and I come back to find you risking yourself recklessly.’  Rubbing the fringe along the back of her head, Chaser soothes his agitated mate.  ‘I mean, no one will let me help with pulling the boat…’

    “The twins have been more than capable of pulling the ship, and the wind has been working with us, so we’ve made good time.”  Nyota leans into Chaser’s strokes, letting a purr escape her lips.  “Besides with your condition…”

    ‘My CONDITION!!’  The force of her communication makes Chaser wince in pain and distress.  ‘Chaser!!!  I’m carrying an egg.  I am not fragile, like some flower!’

    Chaser takes her head in his hands, and pressing his forehead to hers, “I can’t protect you as your mate should.  I can’t hunt or fish for you.  Please let me do this one thing, let me ease your burden of work by letting Ruff-Tuff pull the ship so you can rest.”

Nyota gazes long and hard into Chaser’s eyes before giving an exasperated huff, ‘Fine…  But only until you regain your form.  Once you're a dragon again you are going to make up for all of this.’ 



    “Oh…  Odin…”  Stoick mutters in disbelief.

    Chaser and Nyota both look up to see the former Chief running his hand through his beard, blood draining from his face.  Turning on his heel to see what has disturbed the nearly unflappable figure, Chaser sees dots surrounding the western edge of the island.  “Grandpa?  What are those?”

    “Ships, Chaser…  Lots o’ ships.”


    The sun was just reaching its highest point in the sky when a single ship broke away from the armada.  The larger, bulkier ship, approached with clear intent, its huge sails filled with seabreeze being pushed effortlessly across the sea.

    “So…  Stoick.  What’s the plan, I mean I assume ya’ have a plan.  Well, I mean, sure…  Of course ya’ ‘ave a plan.”  Gobber stumbles over his words as the massive ship grows closer.

    Stoick looks across the deck of the fishing vessel under his command.  Bucket, Mulch, Gobber and himself, all seasoned warriors, ‘Maybe too seasoned.’ he thinks wryly to himself.  Valka and Chaser look on without fear.  A flash of pride pushes aside the uncertainty he was feeling.  Valka would surely be chosen by Odin himself to join his Valkyries, but Chaser…  ‘Chaser is so young.  He has barely begun to enjoy his life, he shouldn’t be in this situation but the gods chose him.’

The massive ship pulls alongside, ropes with hooks catch the smaller ship and draw it closer until a single figure looks down from his higher vantage point.  The stranger stares down in silence as Ruff-Tuff drop their ropes and land easily on the deck of the smaller ship, taking a position beside Nyota and Chaser.  “Well soil my britches!  Is that what I think it is?  It is!!  Well, color me impressed.  You have a pair of fine dragons there!”  Gripping a rope, the stranger swings down to board, followed closely by half-dozen men.  “I think Drago would enjoy another Night Fury in his dragon army.”

    “I’m Stoick the Vast, captain o’ this ship!  Who are ya’”  Stoick growls as he approaches the leader of the boarders.

The younger man apes in surprise, “Of course.  Where are my manners.  I am Eret, son of Eret.  Finest dragon trapper alive.  After all, it isn’t just anyone that can capture the last of the Night Furies.”  He makes a flourish as he makes a bow.  His hand slips behind his back and draws a dagger from its sheath.  His hand brushes back his slicked back hair, his strong jaw is missing anything resembling a vikings full beard, instead his chin is adorned in a strange series of lines tattooed into his flesh.

“What do you want?!”  Chaser shouts, making Eret turn to face the younger boy.  Chaser’s hand rests atop Nyota’s head.

“Well, you have some fire boy.  As I said, I’m a dragon-trapper.  It’s my job to find dragons for Drago Bludvist’s dragon army, and I intend to add a third Night Fury to my resume.”

Ruff-Tuff snaps, snarls and grumbles at the stranger’s words, setting Nyota into a defensive posture.  Arching her back, she charges a blast of plasma.  “That’s them saying ‘We are going…  Now,’.”  Chaser translates.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

Chaser narrows his eyes, “I think we are…  Let’s see…  Wooden boat, big ocean…  How’s your swimming?” he asks, making his threat clear.

Stoick grins at his grandson’s bravery, and nearly laughs aloud when one of the boarders actually answers Chaser’s question with a sheepish ‘Not good’.

To everyone’s surprise, Valka tosses her staff to Eret’s feet.  “We surrender.  Take us to Drago.”


“No!  Listen, Stoick.  He said he ‘captured’ a pair of Night Furies.  Kari and Tannlaus might still be alive.  We donna’ have a choice.”  Her eyes dart to the larger ship and the crossbow armed men on its deck.  “Ruff-Tuff and Nyota would never get away without serious injury, and we alone can’t fight off all these men.”

“Aye, Listen to her old man.  She’s got the right of it.”  Eret speaks up.

“An’ you!  You ‘ave no idea what yur’ doin’.  Dragons aren't mindless beasts, but instead are loyal, intelligent creatures.  They are worthy of our respect, not mindless fear.”  Valka snaps at the young trapper.

Eret looks on in trepidation, but nods.  “Go below decks, and we’ll see you are treated well.  Then turn you over to Drago, and let him decide your fate.”

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