Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

    “Well…  What are we going to do now?  This place is impressive and all, but has little in the ways of food and shelter.”  Eret complains.

    Chaser watches as each of the silent Berkians glares at their new found compatriot.  Standing up from the log he had been resting against, Chaser takes a deep breath.  “We need to go after them.”

    “Aye…  But How?  None of the ships left are sea worthy, and it would take too long ta’ sail home anyway.”  Bucket scratches his beard.

    The near constant stream of plaintive cries from the traps dotting the glacier gives the former dragon an idea.  “We fly!”

    Valka looks up, faint signs of hope flickering in her eyes.  “You have an idea?”

    Chaser gives her a sly smile.  “Drago took the dragons, but not all of them!”  He gestures to the large metal domes that cover the glacier like boils.


The domes seemed endless in the growing dark.  Each iron banded trap held a minimum of two small dragons.  Many had hatched just the season before.  The cruelty was enough to drive the young man further down a dark road he didn’t like.  Each dead or dying hatchling brought his blood to boil, dark thoughts about how HE would make drago pay in slow, agonizing ways.

    “Chaser!  Here!”  His grandmother calls out, breaking his downward spiral.

    Rushing to her side, he peers over the edge and into the bowels of the trap.  Three small Flametongue fledgelings stare up at him.  Thin and weak from lack of food, the largest male tries to ignite himself.  “Easy…  We are here to help.  I’m Chaser, and this is Ryder.”  At the mention of Ryder’s name the trio freeze, with tiny looks of awe.

    ‘Ryder?  THE Ryder?  Cloudjumper used to tell stories of the two-legged dragon,’ the oldest chirps.

    “The same.”

    ‘You understand me?’  the young male clambers to the edge of the trap.  Holding the edge with his forelegs, he lets his body hang so the smaller two can climb him like a ladder.

    “I do…  I’m a Shadewing.”  His eyes follow the young male’s questioning glare.  “Kari and Tannlaus are my parents.  Do you have a name?”  Chaser looks the young male over for obvious injuries.  “You look to be about four or five seasons?”

    ‘I am Spark, and my sisters are Glimmer and Plume.’  The male leans his muzzle into Chaser’s palm.  ‘Kari fed us before they closed the trap three days ago.  The new Alpha would command, but we refused him…  But it was getting harder with each visit.’

    Chaser relays his finding to Valka.  “It sounds like they are just about to reach adulthood…”  She looks about the glacier, “It really does seem the control the alpha exerts only works on adults.”

    “Valka!!  Chaser!!”  Gobber hobbles forward, slightly out of breath.  “Good news!!  Bucket and Mulch found our fishing gear, and a couple of small boats in good workin’ order.”  Pausing to take a deep breath, “I’m gettin’ to old for what yur’ planning…  I’m goin’to stay behind with those two.  We’ll keep freeing the babies, and getting them fed.”  Running his hand over his long mustache, “That Eret fellow…  He seems sincere in wantin’ to help…”

    Chaser looks at the three Flametounges, “If you get something to eat…  Could you make the flight to Berk?  We need to stop Drago from harming anyone else.”

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