Chapter 22

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"Ruff-Tuff?!"  Chaser exclaims.  "What are you doing here?"

'Duh...  We live here.'  The breathy male voice calls out.

'Yah, Duh!'  the more gravely feminine voice echos back.

Chaser finds his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, just as he had seen his grandfather do so many times in the past.  "I mean...  Where is everyone else?"

The twin-soul dragon pauses to look at each other before looking at the Hiccup like figure before them, and in unison they gape, 'You can understand us!!'  The pair of heads begins sobbing out loud, 

'It's been so long!' the masculine Ruff-head cries in relief.

'Yah, I'm so tired of having no one else to talk to.' the feminine Tuff-head continues.

'What am I chopped yak'

'What?  No, but talking to you is like talking to myself.'

'You had that chicken to talk to...'

'Until you ate her!!'  Tuff snaps.

'She was delicious.' Ruff replies with a dreamy expression.

After a pause, Tuff nods, 'She was...  But that's besides the point!'  The twin heads returned to butting against each other, each trying to pin the other to the floor of the cave in an effort to exert dominance, but each was too evenly matched.

    "Guys...  Please...  Can you tell us what happened?  Where is everyone?"

    'Don't know.'  Ruff replies matter of factly.

    'Yah, when Cloudjumper and that new Alpha showed up, everyone just got up and left.'  Continues Tuff.

    "So you guys are all alone here?"

    'Almost.'  reply, the twins.

    'I mean there is Thornado.'  Ruff interjects.

    'And the yearlings.'  Tuff completes the thought.

    "Wait...  Who is Thornado?"  Chaser asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

    'He's a sea-dragon that showed up a few weeks after you guys left.  He was trying to free a baby Thundermaw from a fishing net.'  Ruff starts.

    'And seemed to take a liking to the Chief.'  Tuff finishes.

    'Yah, the Chief named him Thornado...  Even got to ride on his back once or twice.'

    'But eventually he came here.  Since everyone left, he has been driving fish into the shallows for the babies.'  Tuff frowns.  'Hey!!  I just realized that he never fishes for us!'

    "It might be because you are old enough to hunt for yourselves."  Chaser offers.  "But Grandpa Stoick named him 'Thornado'...  Did anyone ask what his real name is?"

    Ruff pouts, 'Yah, well of course we did.  But he isn't very social.  He never talks to anyone, just naps in a small cave down the coast.'

    Tuff shakes her head, 'I theorise that Thorny isn't anti-social.  I think his silence is because he is deaf as a post.  I mean, look at the guy, he fishes for the little ones, likes your Granddad, and isn't bothered when we blow stuff up.'

    "Okay...  You mentioned Cloudjumper showed up with a 'new Alpha'?  It wasn't Coldtusk?"

    The twins pause to look at each other, Chaser could almost see the pair mentally comparing notes.  In unison both heads turn to shake, 'No...  Didn't think about it, but no it was some new Alpha.  He was dark and covered in scars.'

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