Chapter 7

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“Radi and I will only be gone for a few days.”  Umeme says to the gathering of dragons.  “We have already been away from the pack too long as it is.”

Radi nods, “We still need to find some game, and something to cover your scents before we can return.”

Chaser looks back at Nyota, “What about her?  Won’t she be missed?”

Umeme nods, “Yes, but we will just say she is keeping an eye on something important for the Elder.”

Nyota grins, “It isn’t a lie.”  She turns apologetically to Amber, “I know we should have waited till he was better, but getting Chaser to the Elder was important.”

Amber growls quietly, “I don’t agree with you two going behind my back, but if this elder can teach my thick-headed brother to use his ‘Soulfire’, I guess that is important.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence sis,” Chaser grumbles.

“Besides, with him going off for training, I’m going to need your help to gather enough fish for the four of us.  Jade has been busy repairing the net, so it should be ready by tonight.”

“Yes, of course, Amber.  I will pull my weight.”

“I’m sure you will,” she says, reassuring the young female.  “Okay you two had better go.  We will be here when you get back.”

Radi quickly prances into the cave, and nuzzles Jade before joining Umeme outside.  “We will be back as soon as we can get away.”   Umeme says, before taking to the skies with Radi close behind.

“Radi seems to be getting a little too ‘clingy’ for my tastes…” Chaser mutters under his breath.

Amber turns on her little brother, “That was uncalled for!  He has every right to be ‘clingy’ as you call it.  They mated while you were off galavanting about!”

“Amber!!”  Jade cries in shock.

“Jade!!”  She cries back in mock outrage.  “Umeme and I came back from our tour of the island just as you two were finishing up.”  Her comment makes her younger sister turn away in shame.  “Oh no you don’t!  I’m not mad…  But you don’t know him.”

“We… we sang.”  Jade’s voice is barely a whisper.

It’s Nyota’s turn to sound shocked, “You sang?  Together?”  Her head whips around as though she were looking to make sure they weren't just about to be struck down.

“Let me guess.  Ahadi doesn’t let anyone sing.”  Chaser grumbles in scorn.  “I’ve not met this male, but he sounds sick in his head.  He claims all of your packs’ females for himself, but can’t sire young.  He drives out healthy pack members if he sees them as a threat!  Is there anything positive to be said about this dragon!”  The silence is deafening to his ears.  “I need to go!  I’ll be back…  Later…  Probably.”  Before anyone can argue, Chaser leaps into the sky, flying as fast and as hard as his wings will allow.

Amber watches silently as Chaser fades into the distance.  “What is in that direction?  Umeme mentioned the mainland?”

Nyota nods, “Yes, if he turns slightly south he will find the mainland.  That’s where we do most of our hunting.  These islands are good for shelter and drinking water, but there isn’t enough large game to hunt.”

Jade slinks out of the cave with her repaired net in her mouth.  Placing it down infront of her sister, “There.  All fixed.  Can you maybe next time make sure the fish isn’t armed?”  She jokes about the marlin that Umeme had managed to tangle in the net.

“I didn’t hear you complain when he managed to bring it in.”  Amber chuckles.

Nyota nods, “I will admit, that was a decent meal.  Shared as it was, it wasn’t completely filling, but a good meal nonetheless.”

Jade chuckles, “Well if you two can gather materials, I can start building a larger net.  We can then catch more smaller fish, or larger ones more reliably.”

Nyota nods.  “I know a few places nearby that grow vines that are about the size of those you use in your net.”

“Bring me a couple, and I can see if they will work as a replacement for the ropes we normally use.”  Turning to Amber, “If you go with her, she can show you where to find them.  That way if she isn’t here we can still work on the net.”

“Good idea.  Will you be alright here alone?”

Glancing at the broken scales and exposed flesh of her wound, “Gothi’s herbs have done well keeping away infection, and it hasn’t bled since we landed.  So I should be fine.  I’ll probably just curl up and nap a little bit more.”


Chaser glides over the choppy sea, waves breaking on rocks just below the surface.  Tipping his wing, he changes course and begins following the grand expanse of jagged rocks and broken coastline.  Landing, he gives his tired wings a moment of respite.  A strange scent rises to his nose when the wind changes.  Following this new scent, he crests a grassy hill to find an odd ‘herd’ of deer-like creatures on the other side.  Their pelts are nearly the same color as the muddy ground, with singular bands of black bordering white.  Atop their head rise a pair of short dragon-like horns rather than the tangle of antlers he was used to seeing.

Licking his lips, he crouches down in the tall grasses.  Wiggling his tail and hips, he prepares to make the short charge downhill to catch one of these strange deer off guard.  A shrill whistling howl of a Shadewing’s dive distracts him.  Standing up he sees three dragons circling overhead with another three amidst the herd.  As quickly as it started, it ends.  The herd bolts into the forest further into the valley before him, and the flying dragons quickly join the ones on the ground.

“R…  Radi?”  A gentle voice calls from behind him, making Chaser start and spin around with his wings extended to make himself look bigger.  A male, larger than Umeme, stands just outside of striking range.  His look of hope melts into disappointment, “I’m sorry.  I thought…”  He shakes his head, “Well…  It was a good hunt, we should have enough if you wish to join us.  I’m Dhoruba.  I assume you are from the other pack?  A castout like us, or hunting alone?”

The rapid fire questions makes the younger dragon shake his head, relaxing his posture Chaser asks, “Do you know Radi?”

“Of course!  I’m his sire.”  The male looks Chaser up and down, “I saw you from behind…  You are about his age, and I know he was the only male hatched during that winter.  So I assumed you were him.”

“No I’m not, but I do know him.  We found shelter in a cave nearby during the recent storm.”

The hope in the older dragon’s face returns, “You did?  You do?  How is he?  Is he healthy?”

“He was fine.  He and Umeme needed to return to their pack.  They said something about bringing some game back.   Oh!  Wait!!  They mentioned something about finding a way to cover up our scents.  That’s why I haven't seen them,  I must have passed them on the way here.”

“Come with me.  Let me introduce you to the rest of our pack.  Umeme’s father will be glad to hear about his fledgeling.  Maybe you can tell us a bit about yourself, and why you find yourself here?”

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