Chapter 13

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Mwezi’s clouded eyes settle upon the pair of youngsters, “Are you sure there is nothing we can say to make you feel at home here?”

Chaser looks at his sisters before turning back to his great-grandfather, “It isn’t a matter of not feeling at home.  I miss my old home, and Nyota has asked me to introduce her to new places and new dragons.”  He looks to his partner, her wine colored eyes glittering in the moonlight.  “Besides…  I need to let my father know he has family here.”

That brings a grin to the old dragon, “When you do…  Do you think he might…  Want to meet?”

“Knowing Dad?  Absolutely.  He will be thrilled to know he has living blood somewhere.”

“In that case.  As Alpha, I wish you both a good journey.  Know that you both still have places here in the pack.”

Amber and Jade step forward, each carrying twin packs.  “Here little brother,”  Amber offers.  “We took the liberty to pack some of those berry-fruits, and some herbs that Mwezi said are good for healing.”  She passes Chaser his pack.  

Jade in turn gives her own, to Nyota, “Take care of my idiot brother.  He tends to get himself into trouble.”  Looking over to her brother, “I also found some bark to sketch pictures for Mom.”

“I’ll be sure she gets them.”  He quickly bumps his head against each of his sisters before slipping his pack on.  Letting the comfortable weight settle on his back, he looks to Nyota who is experimentally flapping her wings, to test the comfort of the new addition.  With a deep sigh, he smiles weakly at his sisters, before leaping into the sky.  The bittersweet feeling of leaving his sisters behind threatens to rip his heart apart.

“Will you be alright?”  Nyota calls out from just off his right wingtip.  “You’ve never been separated from them have you?”

“Not like this…  We’ve spent time apart, but we were always together.”  He glances over, watching as moonlight plays across her form.  The movement of shadow and light across her smooth scales highlights the hidden strength there.  “I am grateful you are here with me.”


Chaser stretches, working the sleep from his muscles.  He glances down to the still sleeping form of his partner.  Earliest rays of sunlight set the hidden patterns of purple iridescence alight.  Extending one of his wings, he shields his mate from the growing sunlight, giving her a few more minutes of rest.  He watches her chest move in a slow gentle rhythm, as she sleeps.  A grin grows on his face as he notices the almost imperceptible bulge, the first visible signs of the egg she is carrying.

“You can move your wing, love.”  She murmurs quietly.  “Thank you for the thought.”

“I don’t mind.  I’d shield you with my life if need be.”  Folding his wing, he nuzzles her face before giving her space to wake up fully.  The large sea stack had made for a good roost to rest for the night, but a knot of excitement tightened in Chaser’s belly.  “We are just a few hours from Berk.  We should be seeing the harbor guardians, then the village itself in just a little bit.”

“Are you sure it’s safe?  I’ve never had pleasant encounters with two-legs.”  She glances back to her belly.

“I know you are worried, but they are family.  Everything will be fine.”  Slipping his pack back onto his back, Chaser makes sure his cargo is secured before aiding Nyota in settling hers into place.  With a joyous ‘Yelp!’  Chaser takes to the skies, with Nyota in close pursuit.  “Maybe tonight we might see the Sky Ribbon!  The clouds have been too thick the last few days, but the sky is clear and blue and I don’t smell any storms coming.”

Following his instincts, Chaser leads them onward.  With all the speed he can summon he leads Nyota past tall thin spires of stone, pods of sea-dragons and the welcoming sight of the stone guardians.  In his excitement, he missed the warm fires that filled the statues' mouths, which were now cold and empty.  He gives his mate an excited grin as they glide in to land in the heart of the village square.  The lack of people didn’t faze him, being early morning would normally have farmers and fishermen going about their daily routine.  With a ‘Yalp!’ he calls out, expecting someone to answer his greeting.

The sound of doors slamming open, and screams of panic and “It’s a Night Fury!”, confuse the young dragon.  A sudden heavy weight lands across his back, as a heavy metal chain-link net tangles his wings, fouling any attempt to fly.  “Chaser!!” Nyota screams.  He manages to turn his head in time to see a steel tiped harpoon plunge though his mate, her eyes frozen in terror.

“Nyota!!” he screams.

“Kill tha’ devils!!!” Spitelout shouts.  Just before he feels the sharp piercing heat of a matching harpoon plunge through his own chest.  The soul-crushing feeling of failure fills him as his own lifesblood pours out onto the grass at his feet.  “Ah ha!!  Stubborn’ one, arntcha’.”  Chaser looks up as Spitelouts’ sword comes down sending the young dragon into the void.

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