Date Night

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*Warning: Smut!*

~Jonathan's POV~

We hadn't been out much since we got the kids. It was definitely taking it's toll on Lin and I's personal relationship. We decided we should do a date night every once in a while. So that we have some kind of personal time. Lin's parents were taking them this time but would take turns with my parents in the future.

"Ready to go?" Lin asked hugging Javier and Isabela.

"Yeah!" They both said at the same time, running over to hug me.

"Behave you guys, we love you!" I shouted as they ran up the front porch steps. Lin shouted a quick thank you to his parents then we walked to the car hand in hand. Lin was driving. Lin and I held hands the entire time he was driving. We got to a fifties style diner and sat down.

"What can I get for you boys tonight?" The waitress asked walking over.

"I'll have a coke with the All American burger." I ordered the first thing I saw that looked good.

"I'll take a coke and the All American breakfast." Lin ordered. He had more time to look. No fair.

We sat and talked. We were whining about everything and nothing at the same time when the waitress came back. We thoroughly enjoyed our food but were most excited about having the apartment to ourselves. We could watch any movie and do anything we want to do.

I drove us home and we took our time walking to the door.

"What do you wanna do now?" Lin asked, taking my  hand. I pulled him over to sit on the couch. I went to the shelf and picked a movie. Big Hero 6. One of the best movies of all time. Non musical anyway. I walked back over to sit on the couch next to lin. I kissed his cheek and leaned my head on his shoulder. He immediately wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. I kissed his shoulder and started to rub his back. I suddenly stood up. Why were we wasting this kind of time? There are no kids in the house and we don't have to worry about them for the night anyway.

"What are you do-" Lin began. I pulled him into a kiss cutting his sentence short. I broke away tugging his hand all the way to the bedroom. I pulled him over to the bed and sat him down.

"Now stay right here and don't move." I said disappearing into the master bathroom. I quickly stripped and walked over to the door. I was oddly nervous. It's not like he hasn't seen me naked before. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Lin looked up as I walked out. His face turned as red as Clifford the dog. I sauntered over and put my hand on his chest pushing him back onto the bed. I took my time undressing him. When I was done I climbed on top of him so I was straddling his waist. I leaned down and kissed him. I slowly started to grind on him.

~Switch to Lin's POV brought to you by Hamilton being a Bisexual mess~

Jonathan slowly started to grind on me causing small moans to escape my mouth. I ran my hands up and down his sides. I slowly pulled away from the kiss and began kissing down his neck. I stopped at his collarbone and started to gently suck on it. He let out a loud sigh and I took his moment of distraction to flip us over. I kissed my way down his body reaching his bellybutton. He desperately tried to get me to move my mouth where he wanted it. I resisted only for a moment knowing I couldn't refuse him. His moans came quicker and more often. They also became louder. He fisted his hands in my hair and tried to make me move faster. This I resisted. I had a plan. I hollowed out my cheeks more and moved a little faster. He moaned even louder.

"Faster Lin Please!" He whined. I obliged.

~Time-skip brought to you by my lack of ability to write smut!~

Jonathan and I layed next to each other. It was around midnight. We knew we only had until 8 the next morning without the kids but we wanted to do more than just stay in bed. I turned a deep red as I remembered some of our previous activities. Staying in bed was very tempting.
"I don't want to ruin the fun," Jon started, "but we need clean the house lin," he said chuckling.

"Oh alright." I said in a super kiddy voice, causing us both to erupt in a fit of  giggles.

We climbed out of bed. I put on a pair of sweats and one of Jonathan's Glee t-shirts. He chucked. He had put on a pair of sweats and one of my In The Heights shirts. We traded.

Jon and I started tackling the kitchen. I did the dishes and he wiped down the counters. He helped me put the dishes away.

After we finished cleaning it was around three in the morning and we didn't want to look like crap when we picked up the kids so we climbed in bed, both of us knocking out the second our heads hit the pillows.

(A/N so that was different. 899 words! This was a quick experiment with writing smut so let me know what you guys thought!)

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