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(A/N) Okay so I just wanted to clear this up real quick: They have a 2 bedroom apartment! I never mentioned it cuz I really didn't think it was important but it kinda is now don't ya think?  )

We took the kids to McDonald's and got them something to eat. After that, we took them to Ikea so they could pick stuff out for their room.

"I want this one!" Isabela said. "If that's okay." she amended.

"Yeah of course it's amazing!" Jonathan said, taking pictures of the bed's tags.

"Can I have this one?" Javier asked nervously pointing to a small plain bed. 

"If that's what you want. You could get something nicer if you want." I said looking at him.

"Really? You don't have a problem with that?" He asked. 

"No of course we don't have a problem. If you want a race car bed get a race car bed. If you want a princess bed get a princess bed!" I said.

"Well, okay. Can I get this one?" He asked pointing at the bunk beds behind him.

"Of course you can! That way if you want friends to come over they can do sleep overs!" Jonathan said, sounding really excited. I took pictures of the tags. 

After we left Ikea we went to Toys R Us to get them some new toys.

While we were there Isabela asked for a toy that was made for a backyard. 

"Sorry kiddo we live in an apartment. We don't have a place to put it." Jonathan said. I could tell by his voice that he didn't want to refuse her.

"Okay. It's no big deal."

"Thanks for being so understanding sweetie, If we had a yard we would totally get it for you." I said. Truly thankful that she was so okay with it.

We left with two playsets that they could use indoors. We went home to set it up.

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